It is All in the Game! 501c

The Democrat installed 501c tax exempt status given to non-profits allows them to collect money tax free! It sounds good but to take this exemption you the Pastor must give up your right to petition the government for grievances which is a Constitutional right! You must give up your right to endorse a political candidate during an election! Your voice is muted! Any election local, state or federal you must be mute! Handicapped! You give up your first amendment rights of free speech sacrificed for money! Because the church would not take up debate on our last presidential election Biden got in instead of Trump! Now the church or non-profits are collecting money for the Ukraine war victims when under a Trump the Ukraine war would not have happened! Understand I have less money to give to charitable organizations with high inflation and 4-5-6 and 7 dollars a gallon gasoline! My gas bill in my van was 600 dollars last month! My house insurance increased from $1000. per year to 1600. dollars per year because of replacement costs because of high priced building materials! Millions flooding across our southern border swamping local communities with costs financial and safety of their communities! Now our president says food shortages are coming! Why? His incompetence! Build back better is not happening! Tear down better is happening with the Biden administration! None of this would of happened or did happen under Trump! Pastor’s in America can no longer hide under the 501c if America is going to survive as a nation! Even though Trump gave them an exemption from the part of the 501c banning political endorsements they played it safe and we now are all in peril! If this next 3 years under Biden is not a lesson to them then they will never learn! Will we survive? I do not know but look up to Christ for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat Playbook! White Supremacy

Organize for action will now and in the decades to come center upon the white middle class! That is where the power is… Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and the way of life of the middle class! They have stigmatized it as materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, degenerative, imperialistic, war mongering, brutalized and corrupt. They are right, but we must begin from where we are to build power for change, and the power and the people are in the middle class majority. Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Author Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for dissention and revolution. Comment: The socialist reject the life of the middle class! They think we are evil! Examples are the apology tour by Obama to the world! This war on middle class explains the bad trade deals done over decades to send American jobs overseas! The political and economic war on the middle class by the Democrats! Supremacy is not about color! It is about the economic success of the working middle class! The political left always tries to divide America by the race, religion and gender cards! Only three cards in their deck! To try to shame us into submission! They try to get us to war against each other! Divide and conquer! Trump is hated by the left because he is reviving the working middle class! He is working against their ideology to turn America into a socialist/communist one world government order! Democrats want the ward state where everyone is dependent on them so they may stay in power! Trump has moved millions of people off the Democrat plantation to economic freedom and more choices! Our way of life is not only rejected economically but spiritually! We must apologize for being Christian! Church attendance has dropped every decade since the 1960’s across America! The radical social agenda opposes every ideology of the people of faith! Even to criminalize it! Whether it be gay marriage or abortion! The followers of Alinsky, Obama, Hillary, Sanders and others have a contempt for Biblical values! The war plan is to eliminate the white middle class! Depress them into hopelessness and they will submit to socialism! Help Democracy to fail! State control of everything! Do you see the paradox here? Alinsky was a white man! Middle class! A Russian atheistic Jewish immigrant from Russia! So was Marx, Engels, Lenin and others of the deadly Russian Revolution! So why does Alinsky hate himself? This is the nature of Satan! To turn on yourself! Islam turns on itself! The Biblical ideology is that God loves you and me! Therefore we love others! Why are elections important? Israel had 40 Kings over her history! Only had seven good Kings! When the bad Kings were in power the Jews went into captivity! The nation was divided and split in two Northern and Southern Kingdom! There are two Kingdoms! Heaven and Hell! Republican and Democrat! Creationist and Evolutionist! If you love God you love others! If you hate God you will hate others! Vote for those who hold Biblical values! Christian values! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democtrat Playbook & Impeachment!

The despair is there, now it is up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radial social change! Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for Revolution.  Comment: The Democrat left do not come up with their own ideas but are borrowed from radicals such as Alinsky! Much of their playbook comes from the socialist/communist loving Alinsky who migrated from Russia to America! He set up shop in Chicago and trained disciples of his radical ideology! Two of his better known disciples are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! So where did Alinsky get his ideology that he has passed on to others? From Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! This ideology is borrowed sin! Any idea you have is borrowed from someone else! Hitler is a good example! His ideology came from Charles Darwin! He believed according to his quotes that evolution could be speeded up by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables! He wanted to get rid of the basket of deplorables and smelly Walmart shoppers! Get rid of guns and religion! You will borrow your ideology from either God or Satan! The Bible is the gold standard for a life of prosperity and peace! Jesus is the Prince of peace! You become who you serve! Who you follow! Life or death hangs in the balance! Rebellion is expressed through religion and politics! Who you vote for is who you submit to! An elected official becomes your slave master! A slave to God is freedom but to Satan death and destruction! You have probably made a choice already but never too late to change! Choose this day who you will serve! You will serve either God or Satan! The consequences of your choice have eternal consequences! James and Hamsa Sasse.

New Democrat Running for President!

This is the rumor going around! It will be a undocumented transgender person! It will join the already crowded field! It is a person with testicles and enlarged breasts! It could be a he or she or both! Even though a crowded field your choices are still limited! You can vote for two old guys with dementia or a young person who has not figured out sex yet! Now we can understand why health care is so important to the Democrats! Free college may help them? If you can change your sex anything is possible including changing the climate! The world will be a better place especially for those candidates who cannot remember what it is and those living in gender confusion! Do you want these people leading you and your children? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Republican/Democrat Party

I knew however bad the Republican party was, the Democratic party was much worse! The elements of which the Republican party was composed gave better ground for the ultimate hope of the success of the colored man’s cause than those of the Democratic party! Frederick Douglas (1818-1895), Abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman.

Jesus was a Refugee?

It is interesting how politicians who know nothing about the Bible and in no relation with Jesus Christ make these off the wall political points to try to get more votes and support all the while trashing Jesus! Democrat Ocasio-Cortez claims that Jesus was a refugee? This is made to support her open border socialist ideology and try to trash Trump’s border wall designed to protect America! First of all Joseph and Mary were at Nazareth which is about 90 miles from Bethlehem! They had to travel to Bethlehem because of Caesar’s decree for everyone to return to their home town to pay taxes! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! Since Joseph was of the lineage of David Bethlehem was his home town. Refugee’s do not pay taxes! They have no jobs, status or ability to pay anything! They drag on the taxes of any  nation for support! They do not pay taxes! This is more fake news from the political left! Sometimes they will drag Jesus out of the closet to try to score political points! Then after the lies throw him back in the closet until next Christmas  or the next election! Jesus has to be more than a rag doll for politicians! He is the Son of the Living God so to respect him in this capacity we must be conscious of His Word the Holy Scriptures and not mock him as King Herod did with the death of the little children of Bethlehem! Abortion began before Bethlehem but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Bible! It leads to death and eternal separation from God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Democrat Gains?

Specifically in Arizona and Nevada many people who are Democrats have moved from California to these states! Also 35 percent of all American’s are on some sort of public assistance! They will not give up the free stuff so they vote for the Democrats who dole out this stuff! However it is not free and our National debt reflects these giveaway programs for votes! The great economy is good for those that have a good education! Those that do not do not benefit from the booming economy and stay in the welfare trap! This is how I see it! Bill O’reilly