Heavy Blog Traffic Out of Israel! GodWhoisGod.com

As the month of March closes out Israel ranks number two in country traffic this month on our web site. Two days of 2500 plus hits on our Blog this month came from Israel. Why? Never in my wildest dreams while spending 3 years in India back in the 1980’s that God would give me something that would reach the Jews later! The Bible makes it clear that our Evangelism efforts are to go to the Jews first! Why would the Jews who are the most intelligent people on earth follow a blog written by a dummy like me? God can confound the wise with dummies! I received a phone call from our help line on our web site from Israel! The reason I believe is that the Jews have a keen interest in Bible prophecy! This is their primary motivation for following our Blog and our Gospel tract written in Hebrew. No greater compliment can come than the Jews listening to what God is speaking to me through His Word! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com