Tempting Christ! Mark 8:11-12

“And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question him (Jesus), tempting him, and he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? Verily I say unto you. There shall no sign be given unto this generation.” Commentary: Remember to tempt means to prove by soliciting to sin! Unbelief in God! Satan sins against God and men! He deceives men to believe his lies! Jesus was telling the religious rulers all the signs of the Messiah listed in the Pentateuch or the Torah and all the Old Testament writings of the coming Messiah were standing before them! Hey you dudes your religion has become your God! Your politics has become your God! Not me! Why are you so slow of hearing? Your culture has become your God! Did you flunk Theology 101? I raise the dead! I heal the blind! Your ideology and theology will never do that! You have a form of religion but deny the power of God! You are going to crucify God on a Cross! But it is necessary for you and your sin! Why are you in unbelief about me? Today in the 21st Century the same problem we meet in evangelizing for Christ on planet earth! Everyone has the same problem Satan has! They want to be God! Many are not willing to surrender their sin for his righteousness! Master of their own destiny headed for hell! They want to gamble their eternity in heaven for one in hell! For the temporary pleasures of this life! Unbelief in Christ is to tempt God! Put God to a foolish test with their sin! Rather than repent and receive his salvation receive judgment on their own heads! God chose suffering on a bloody Cross to take your sin away from you to escape the judgment of God! He will remember your sin no more! If you are going to escape judgment you will have to remember him! This do in remembrance of me! Everyday in your worship of Christ! God fixed your evil on a Cross! Accept it or reject it determines your today and forever! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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