As a young man I found this a very challenging endeavor! For conformity sake the military has a method of challenging anyone who stands out different from the group! This is taught from basic training on throughout your career! Anyone who does not socially conform is singled out and made an example! The purpose is to bring uniformity in a combat unit! So if you are the only guy carrying a Bible around in your hand you could be a target! So your faith is tested by the group! I always tried to do my job well not to disgrace my Lord! There are also rewards for staying true to your faith! Forty years later many have come and gone, retired or died but I still have my faith in Christ! I want to prepare you for the words coming here for they do not use King James English in the military! In fact you will learn some new words in the military! Your vocabulary will grow but not in a nice way! Harold was your typical G.I. who was rough in character and got into a few fights down at the base club! A heavy drinker he used some words that were unkind! So the military unit sent Harold on me as their attack dog! Harold said, “Sasse I don’t believe that virgin birth crap in your Bible! Why would God pull down his pants and rape Mary so he could have a son named Jesus? I would never serve a God who sexually molested women!” Harold you were born not because God had sex with your mother but because your father or another man had sex with your mother! Whoever had sex with your mother I wish they would have not done so! Harold which came first the chicken or the egg? Who gives a F——-! Harold as hard as it is to believe God created you! God created everyone! Our first parents Adam and Eve were created beings! That is God was the first cause for everything we see here on earth! Harold I hear you use Jesus name a lot around here! Jesus Christ was not a created being! He pre-existed creation! Jesus has always and forever will exist! Jesus is part of the Trinity! The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity and is the active agent on the earth until Jesus returns to earth at His second coming to earth! In order for God to redeem His children from sin His Son had to be incarnated into human flesh in the earth! The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus who already existed in Heaven into Mary to give us the Savior on earth! God had to become flesh! God did not have physical sex with Mary! That is a myth Harold! Jesus birth was as miraculous as His resurrection from the dead! God will never violate our will! Mary invited God to perform this miracle! Jesus will only come to those who invite Him into their lives! He will never force Himself on anyone! Does that make sense to you Harold? Maybe? Harold you and I are both sinners and need a Savior! Harold would you like to make Jesus your Savior? What you have been taught about God is a lie! Read your Bible if you want to know the truth about God! He loves you Harold and proved it on the Cross! He died for your sin! He arose from the dead to give you a new life! Born again! If you accept Him He will change your life today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.