One World Government

When was the last time we had a one world government? Yes, you are right! It was about 4200 years ago! The world political world leader was Nimrod who supervised the building of the Tower of Babel! We get our word Babylon from Babel. The name means confusion. Sounds like our politics today! Nimrod tried to lead the people away from God and to exhault themselves above God! God responded to this rebellion by doing two things. God divided the Languages and divided the earth. Scientist today call this division continental drift. If you look at the west coast of Africa you will see it fits the east coast of the United States. So people were divided by Language and by geography. The world again today is trying to do another one world government. Man’s rebellion against God will fail again! Read the Book of Revelation and you will see the outcome with Christ’s return at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to set up His 1000 year reign over all the earth! Christ’s Rule will be peaceful with no more war!

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