Science & Faith! Hebrews 11:3

Commentary & Scripture: Science concludes not political science (Covid & Evolution), but true science that matter and energy that comprise our universe cannot be eternal! So the cause of our universe has to be outside of ourselves! It has to be created from a supernatural source. Einstein concluded that time is not constant but is affected by movement or motion and gravitational forces. Time also stops at the speed of light! A jet flying through time zones gives a sample of this! God at creation said let there be light! Time for us began here on earth at creation! Time with the motion of our earth and planets and gravitational forces set our clock for us but God exists outside of time! However God entered into time at the virgin birth! At the Cross and the resurrection from the dead! God does not have a birthday or a funeral! Jesus existed before creation as part of the Trinity and was active in creation! True science always supports the scriptures and the scriptures confirm true science! With these things in your mind please observe Hebrews 11:3 “Through faith we understand, that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Conclusion: Evolution is a big lie! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Speaks to Paul! Acts 26:17

“Delivery thee from the people (Jews), and from the Gentiles, unto whom I send thee.” Commentary: Again the love of God displayed here! Forgive them! First God delivers us from our enemies then he prepares us to go back to our enemies delivering them through redemption through Christ! Jesus said love your enemies! What kind of a world would we have if everyone did that? Heaven on earth! Our human ability is not able to do this but the love of God dwelling in us makes this possible! The same thing happened to Joseph! God delivered him from his brothers who wanted to kill him and sold him into slavery to Egypt! He became Prime Minister of Egypt a Jew and then delivered his brothers and his whole family from the famine and they found safety and food for them in Egypt for 430 years! God delivered baby Moses from Egypt to be raised in the King’s Palace! Later delivered from the Pharoah for 40 years then returned and delivered the Jews out of Egypt! My wife 55 years ago was a captive as a young widow in India with no hope! Then God delivered her to America and then with me went back to India to promote the Gospel to the people in bondage to Hinduism and Islam! The only truth Satan will try to hide from you is that God loves you! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved! He is no respecter of people! Just submit to his love in humility and he will raise you up to go places where you could never go on your own and do things that are simply miracles! James & Hamsa Sasse,

Answer to Amazon Alexia?

Technology is advanced so much that the White House has installed a better machine just made for politicians! This machine answers no questions but just talks a lot and says nothing! Her name is Kamala! She also has a GPS made in China that cannot find our southern border! She was briefed yesterday by her few remaining staff that things have really gotten bad since her and uncle Joe have taken over America and that this is no laughing matter!

My Default Setting? His Word!

Psalm 119:89-91 Hebrew Translation: “Forever, hidden, concealed, perpetual, without end, O’ Lord, thy word is settled firm and healthy, planted established with boundaries (borders) in the earth, and it abideth forever. They continue this day in the present time and in every point in time in the sphere of time according to their ordinance with judicial decisions with a verdict rendered for everyone either favorable or unfavorable; for all are thy servants, worshippers laboring in his harvest field.”

You Meant for Evil but God Meant for Good! Genesis 50:20

“But as for you (Jospeh’s brothers), ye thought evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Commentary: Do you remember the story? Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers into Egypt! Then he prospered his slave master Potiphar down in Egypt but the wife of Potiphar made advances towards Joseph and he repelled her advances so she falsely accused him and Joseph went to prison for many years! While in prison he prospered some of the inmates with dreams of their future and asked them to remember him once out of prison! Then the King of Egypt Pharoah had a disturbing dream and asked his magicians to interpret the dream! They could not but a servant in the Pharoah’s hoosehold told the King there was a man in prison who could interpret dreams! The King sent for Joseph and he interpreted the dream and telling the King seven good years were coming and then seven year of famine! He told the King to store grain during the seven good years and save for the seven years of famine! The King promoted Joseph to the Prime Minister of Egypt! Yes a Jew in second command in Egypt! Then during the famine Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt looking for food! Joseph revealed his identity to them and then got permission to bring his entire family to Egypt where the future generations of Jews lived there for 430 years until a wicked Pharoah arose and God raised up Moses to deliver the Jews out of Egypt! So how do the blessing from God in Christ apply today? Remember Jimmy Carter back in the 1970’s? You may be too young to know but let me share our story. During President Carter Administration we had twenty percent inflation rate and eighteen percent interest! We purchased our first house in Denver in 1975, During those years our house doubled in value so we sold it and purchased another house which doubled in value so we sold it and moved to India as missionaries for three years! Then after returning from India we still had an income for the next ten years where I really did not need to work a secular job unless I wanted to! Many were saved while preaching the Gospel in India! God’s purpose to save you is to bring salvation to others! Under President Biden his administration is at war with middle class American’s hurting them with his extreme left policies trying to install a Socialist State! State control of everything! Gasoline will probably be ten dollars a gallon before he leaves office in two years! People will not be able to by food! Intentional harm to us yet those in Christ will prosper even though he intends it for our harm! All things work together for those that love God and are called according to his purpose! Why not be a Joseph? You can through Christ and Christ alone! My Jewish Messiah! Make him your Messiah and you will be the answer to many problems for many people! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Fly in my Soup!

This well to do gentleman went into an expensive restaurant and ordered an expensive dinner which came with appetizers including clam chowder soup! The waitress brought his big bowl of soup and he began to eat! To his dismay there was a fly in his soup? He called the waitress in anger and frustration and asked her what was this damn fly doing in my soup? The waitress looked down in his bowl and saw the fly and then she told him I was on the swimming team back in high school and it looks to me like he is doing the back stroke!

The Big Zero!

The number of socialists who leave America every year to escape capitalism! Why does not Bernie move to Russia? He and his wife went on their honeymoon there! However there are thousands of Americans leaving socialist states such as California and New York to capitalist states such as Florida and Texas! However the Democrats want to flood these states with illegals through open borders so they would vote Democrat and then every state in America could become a California or a New York! Once this happens where will we escape to? If you want this then just continue to vote them into offices across America! Jimmy

A Green New Deal Contradiction!

Dear President Obama, If you believe the oceans are rising and we will all die in ten years unless we implement the Green New Deal immediately then why did you buy a 12 million dollar ocean front mansion on Martha’s vineyard? Unless the Green New Deal is just for middle class American’s who must pay exorbitent high energy prices to pay for your crazy ideology? Please let me know the truth! Jimmy

A Virtuous Wife! Proverbs 31:12

Hebrew Translation: “She will repay as productive ripe fruit for him pleasant, beautiful right with moral goodness to him and not wicked or harmful behavior all the days continually with all of her sustained life.” Commentary: I have been most blessed of my wife Hamsa over past 48 years! She is now in a hospital bed at home where I am her care provider! I am fully enjoying this season of our lives as I have to all of the previous seasons! She is probably one of the best examples of Proverbs 31:12. I did the Hebrew translation because sometimes we miss important meaning not to go back to the original language! I want you to look at the phrase, “sustained life.” I prepare her meals and soon after she lost the use of her legs due to poor blood circulation I was cutting the onions for the dinner when she called to me and asked me what I was doing? I told her I was cutting the onions and she replied if you put them on a plate and bring them to me I will cut them for you because I can still use my hands! Need I say more? This is the definition of a virtuous woman and her entire life as my wife is a testimony of Proverbs Chapter 31. James & Hamsa Sasse.