The Demonization of America through Public Schools!

I am 73 years old by God’s grace and have seen sea changes in American culture! Back in the 1950’s when I was in a public school security guards were not required! So what changed? Public schools have over time have become the ward of the State! The safeguards of faith have been removed! In the 1950’s the public school I attended as a youth had the Ten Commandments posted on the entry wall of our school. Every class room had an American flag posted on the wall ! First thing every morning before classes we would all stand together including the teacher cross our heart and recite the Pledge Allegiance to the flag and the United States of America! Bibles were on some teacher desks and the principle had one on his desk in his office! Prayer was encouraged! Remember the sixth Commandment? Thou shall not kill! Then gradually court decisions went to war on God! Removing prayer! Removing the Ten Commandments! Flags removed! So what is left? A hell hole is today what parents send their children to today in our public schools! When social engineering has replaced reading, writing and arithmetic! Millions of parents are pulling their children out of public schools! These schools are not worthy to have custody of your children! They are in danger ideologically and physically! Even if you want to home school do it! Plenty of on line help available! Teacher unions in public schools donate millions of dollars to the Democratic Party! Most of your public school teachers are an arm of the Democratic Party preaching their ideology! Promotion of homosexuality, abortion, transgenderism, lesbianism, sex or gender changes for children and every other wicked ideology is their trade! CRT training teaching children to hate America and each other! Millions of parents are pulling their children out of public schools and rightly so! If a parent disagrees with a school board member about a policy he gets an FBI referral as a terrorist? When the light of the scriptures is removed from our culture darkness moves into the void! Speaker Nancy said there are not words to describe the Texas shooting! She is wrong! The words of our scriptures support a healthy ideology to our children and their teachers! Wrong words lead to wrong actions! When children are led away from the light of Christ darkness fills the void that leads people to an everlasting hell on earth! Taking guns away and demolishing our precious second amendment is more of the same darkness from the Democrats! Guns do not kill people only people kill people whether with knives, vehicles driven through crowds, drugs or any education system that promotes death! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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