Amazon Purchases Now Done With Hand Prints!

Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a [mark] in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Commentary: So today you can buy or sell with your hand print! The Book of Revelation was written in the first century A. D. The Apostle John got this revelation while imprisoned in a slave labor camp on the Isle of Patmos! Think about what the first century Christian must have thought when he read these words? How could this be? Was John on drugs? However if the first century Christian had read these same words twenty centuries later what would he say today? Right on John we have arrived! Just for your interest the word “mark”, Strong’s #5480, means an image representation of a person! An image as opposed to letter characters! An idol! Who is the one who causes all to receive this mark? The Anti-Christ! Dictator of the entire world during the 7 year tribulation! A socialist one world empire! Notice Satan has a Trinity here! He will always try to copy cat God! You can buy or sell only if either you have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name! Just as with our Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit if you have one you have them all! If you follow one part of Satan you have him all! If you follow homosexuality you have him all! If you follow gay marriage you have him all! If you follow abortion you have him all! If you follow transgenderism one part of Satan you have him all! A time is here and coming soon that unless you endorse these sins you will not be able to buy or sell! Jesus part of the Trinity came to earth to defeat Satan and the sin that so easily besets us! That we could be graphed into the Trinity! Which Trinity do you belong to? It will be one or the other! Some think the Rapture of the Church will save me from having to make the decision of denying Christ or taking the mark! Christians over history including our very own disciples were martyred for their faith! Your fire escape is not to be part of Satan’s Kingdom! Heaven or Hell awaits all depending on what you do with Jesus Christ? You will either receive him or reject him! The path to hell is easy but the fire is forever! The path to Christ is hard yet Heaven awaits his followers! Jesus took your hell for you! Why should you chose it anyway? Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you! God sacrificed himself for you! Satan if you give him the power over you will sacrifice you for himself! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Germany 501c Church Exemption!

A threatening, though initially mainly persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany followed the Nazi takeover with one party rule! The regime agreed to the Reichskonkordat Treaty with the Vatican, which prohibited clergy from participating in politics. Following political moves began to dissolve the Catholic Youth League. Clergy, nuns and lay leaders began to be targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or immorality. In the face of this persecution, Pope Pius XI issued his Mit Brennendis Sorge Enachical, which denounced the pagan ideology of Nazism. In response, hundreds more were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Source: Wikipedia; Dachau Concentration Camp Commentary: The lack of political discourse by the clergy here in America is leading to the same outcome as in Nazi Germany! The 501c instituted by the Democrats over the past 60 years has slowly chipped away at our liberties as we head to a one party rule here in America! Once the Democrats have total power they will then come after the clergy! So the silence by the church over decades on important political issues on morality in exchange for money has set us up for tyranny across our nation! The church could start to speak up but I do not think the clergy have the moral courage to do so! They love money more than liberty! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Transgressor or Sinner? II John 1:9

“Whosoever [transgresseth], and [abideth] not in the [doctrine] of Christ, hath not God. He that [abideth] in the [doctrine] of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” Commentary: The word transgressor and sin are two different Greek words. Let us look at the Greek root word for transgresseth. It means to step over the line! Like as an illegal you cross our border! To step over the line drawn between good and evil! It means to chose the side that opposes Christ. To join the mob! The Strong’s number is 3845. So what does doctrine mean? Strong’s number 1322. Doctrine means the teachings of Christ! Jesus is my professor! He has the teachings of God! The word abideth, Strong’s number 3306 means to remain standing firm! To remain in the teachings of Christ! Remember the Apostle Paul in the first century was writing this letter to the congregations the churches! The churches were experiencing many false teachers claiming there was a way to God other than Christ! Same goes on today! Remember Christ told us one of the signs of the last days before his second coming are many false Christs! Now even though this word “sin” is not in this scripture but in many others I want to compare the meanings of transgresseth and sin! The word sin is Strong’s numbers 264 and 266. The word means to miss the mark! That is to miss God’s purpose for your life the life he has given you! The word transgresseth used in this scripture means those that had received Christ yet are drawn away by false teachers from the faith in Christ! The sinner is one who has rejected Christ never receiving his redemption! So you are saved and then reject your first love then you are a transgressor! Paul was addressing this problem in the church then as it is a problem in the church today! People drop out of church! Abandon their faith for the false promises of the world! Deceived by false teachers! If you have done this you can repent! Return to your first love! It is important to know the different Greek words used in scripture and the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament because otherwise you can think certain English words used in your Bible mean the same but often they do not! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Warned About Earthquakes! Matthew 24:7

From USGS DataBase 2021: The number of earthquakes is increasing. In the first 65 days of 1921, exactly one century ago only 7 major quakes magnitude 6 or higher were recorded globally. In the same period last year, a total of 24 major quakes, magnitude 6 or higher were recorded around the globe. Back in 2019, just 20 major quakes had been reported up to March the 6th, just 50 percent of this year’s total. Commentary: So is the Green New Deal going to save us? What political party can stop an earthquake? It seems they cannot stop a plague either! The 1918 pandemic here in America killed 675 thousand people! A hundred years later we are at over 581 thousand Americans dead from the Coronavirus! We are not out of the woods on this one either as new strains develop! So where is the science? We could easily exceed the death rate here in America compared to the 1918 pandemic! Where has one hundred years of science taken us? This is another reason Jesus must come back and save us! Man cannot fix himself! History shows us this! Have you taken the Jesus vaccine? He will inoculate you against death for he will raise you from the dead! Some to eternal life and some to eternal judgment! What scientist can raise you from the dead? Follow the science? It will lead you to the grave yard! Follow Jesus! He conquered death for you! James & Hamsa Sasse.

3 Million Deaths Worldwide from COVID-19

Matthew 24:7 Jesus words: “For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places.” Commentary: Jesus answer to his disciples question of what will be the signs of his second coming are many including this verse! So what does the word pestilence mean? It means by Webster’s Dictionary a fatal contagious disease especially a plague! Usually famines follow plagues! There is good news in the midst of bad news here! This world cannot continue on in this present climate as sin self destructs the inhabitants of earth! We need a Savior! The world needs a Savior! God has provided one! His Son Jesus Christ! As time marches on it will prove to us that no one will survive without the Savior! Many fools will try but they will only prove the truth of the words of Christ and they a liar! Receive Christ as your Savior before time runs out on your clock! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Trinity in Heaven & on Earth!

I John 5:8 “And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water and the blood: and these three agree in one.” Commentary: What scripture in the Old Testament comes to your mind that compliments this scripture in the New Testament? Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep( water). And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Commentary Continued: So at creation the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters! Then God gave us light and created man! Blood! When Jesus was water baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist the Holy Spirit descended on him! The Father saying this is my beloved Son! At Jesus ascension back to heaven he promised his disciples to send the Holy Spirit! The blood of Jesus witnessed against the blood of men and their sin! No man can comes to the Father but through the blood atonement of his Son! The spirit, blood and the water must be a witness within you and unto the world as a testimony of his truth and faithfulness! The church ordinances of baptism and communion are vehicles for you to be a witness on earth while you are still here! They confirm the witness in heaven of the Father, the word (Jesus) his Son and the Holy Spirit! James & Hamsa Sasse

Repentance or Rejection?

Exodus 32:33 “And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” Commentary: So what will get your name blotted out of the book of life? Sin! Sin will remove your name out of his book and replace your name with sin! Wait a minute? I thought we are all sinners? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! We have two classes of sinners! Forgiven and unforgiven sinners! Forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell. To reject Christ leaves you in the unforgiven state! To accept his blood sacrifice for your sin moves you into the forgiven state! Whether he see’s your name in his book is determined by what you do with his name? Curse him or praise him! Mock him or embrace him? Show off to your friends by mocking him and playing the fool or receiving him as Savior will determine where you spend your forever! Your forever and heaven can start today or you can continue your hell forever here on earth! The choice is yours to make! Wise men still follow Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Trinity!

I John 5:7 “For there are three that [bear record] in [Heaven], the [Father], the [Word], and the Holy [Ghost]: and the three are one.” Commentary: Let us look at these five Greek words above in brackets! To “bear record” means to be a witness with good character causing praise and worship! The term “heaven” is an all inclusive word including the celestial bodies including earth and the residency of God! The “Father” used here means the Father of Jesus Christ! Did you ever notice how our culture is trying to get rid of gender terms? God created male and female so what does Satan do but bring gender confusion! Destroy our identity with God! This is a war on God! Rebellion! The term “word” means the expression of intelligence through speech! In the beginning was the Word! {John 1:1} Jesus spoke the Word of God! It is written! The Word became flesh and dwelt among men! The incarnation! The words of Satan oppose the Word of God! God did not say? God is a liar! The word “ghost” means the breath of God! God with his breath spoke the world’s into existence! At creation he gave us his breath! With his breath we speak words! God’s breath is wind! God sent his wind to dry up the Red Sea so Moses could pass over with the Jews out of Egypt! God sent a wind to dry the earth at Noah’s flood! At pentecost God sent a mighty rushing wind over the disciples gathered together in prayer waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit! The disciples uttered praise from this event with the breath of God in other languages! It was as though the earth had just one language again before the Tower of Babel! We serve one God in one nation expressing our love for him by demonstrating love for our fellow man! Did you know Satan has a trinity! Satan, the anti-Christ and the False Prophet! Their mission is to destroy men but the mission of God is to save men! Who are you following? The one that hates you or the one that loves you? James & Hamsa Sasse.