Transgressor or Sinner? II John 1:9

“Whosoever [transgresseth], and [abideth] not in the [doctrine] of Christ, hath not God. He that [abideth] in the [doctrine] of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.” Commentary: The word transgressor and sin are two different Greek words. Let us look at the Greek root word for transgresseth. It means to step over the line! Like as an illegal you cross our border! To step over the line drawn between good and evil! It means to chose the side that opposes Christ. To join the mob! The Strong’s number is 3845. So what does doctrine mean? Strong’s number 1322. Doctrine means the teachings of Christ! Jesus is my professor! He has the teachings of God! The word abideth, Strong’s number 3306 means to remain standing firm! To remain in the teachings of Christ! Remember the Apostle Paul in the first century was writing this letter to the congregations the churches! The churches were experiencing many false teachers claiming there was a way to God other than Christ! Same goes on today! Remember Christ told us one of the signs of the last days before his second coming are many false Christs! Now even though this word “sin” is not in this scripture but in many others I want to compare the meanings of transgresseth and sin! The word sin is Strong’s numbers 264 and 266. The word means to miss the mark! That is to miss God’s purpose for your life the life he has given you! The word transgresseth used in this scripture means those that had received Christ yet are drawn away by false teachers from the faith in Christ! The sinner is one who has rejected Christ never receiving his redemption! So you are saved and then reject your first love then you are a transgressor! Paul was addressing this problem in the church then as it is a problem in the church today! People drop out of church! Abandon their faith for the false promises of the world! Deceived by false teachers! If you have done this you can repent! Return to your first love! It is important to know the different Greek words used in scripture and the Hebrew words used in the Old Testament because otherwise you can think certain English words used in your Bible mean the same but often they do not! James & Hamsa Sasse.