Only Two Ways! Romans 6:4

Hot or cold, right or wrong, abundance or lack, day or night, peace or war, light or darkness, freedom or slavery, innocent or guilty, satisfied or hungry, sight or blind, righteousness or evil, rain or drought, honor or dishonor, marriage or divorce, male or female, respect or disrespect, love or hate, creation or evolution, incarnation or reincarnation, birth or abortion, legal or illegal, citizen or alien, law or lawlessness, obedience or disobedience, loyalty or rebellion, authority or anarchy, heaven or hell, death or resurrection, burial or cremation and forgiveness or guilt. There are only one of two ways God cleanses or purifies his creation! Either through judgment or redemption! Which way he uses on you depends on what you do with his Son Jesus Christ! There is a way that seems right unto a man but those ways lead to death! The opposite of eternal life is eternal death! The choice is in our own hands! It would be foolish to reject those hands who were nailed on the Cross for your sin who took your place as guilty! You cannot acquit yourself of your sin! It takes the love of God to do it!  Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Raised from the Dead?

Jake would you please rise for your sentencing! Jake you have been charged and found guilty by a jury for your crimes! Jake in all my years as a judge I have never seen a more interesting case! Let us rehearse this case. You had a life insurance policy on you for five hundred thousand dollars. You went to the county coroner who was a good friend of you and told him if he would issue a death certificate on you the money would be equally divided between you and the coroner. About the same time you went down to the court and applied for a name change. You wanted your name changed to Lazarus. Jake let me guess your new last name is? Judas! Right? Then your wife got the insurance check so she signed it and asked you to go down to the bank and deposit it in your joint checking account. Since she was not present at the bank the teller asked you to co-sign on the back of the check and to present your drivers license for identification. Jake am I correct so far? Yes your honor. Jake you were not only dumb once but twice! Jake I would suggest that you change your name to Paul Silas and sing at the midnight hour! You are getting into prison all by yourself but it will take a miracle to get you out! What you did under your old name got you here and it will take the Name above all names to get you out of prison! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Citizenship & Abortion!

Power is the great evil with which we are contending! We have divided power between three branches of government and erected checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. However, where is the check on the power of the judiciary? If we fail to check the power of the judiciary, I predict that we will eventually live under judicial tyranny! Patrick Henry (1736-1799), Founding Father and Governor of Virginia.

One Garden Two Tree’s! Genesis 3:22

” And the Lord God said, Behold, the man made in my image is become as one of us, to know good and evil, and now, lest he put forth his hand and take forth of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever.” Comment: So what is this all about? In the following verses Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden and the angels protect the Tree of Life where they cannot approach this tree! Man sinned against God to gain the knowledge of evil! He did evil to gain evil! The penalty of sin is death! Adam and Eve had not received the penalty yet so God had to guard the Tree of Life until Christ had paid the penalty of their sin on the Cross! Eternal life is a destiny spent in one of two places! Heaven or Hell! God had to protect Adam and Eve from themselves! No repentance is accepted by God outside of the Cross! The Anti-Christ and his followers will never confess they are sinners! Muslims do not believe they are sinners! A Hindu makes God into his own image and changes the image millions of times in his mind to accommodate his new sin! They make God! Remember after the Cross where did Jesus go for three days? He went into the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! This included all people from Adam and Eve to all who had lived up unto the Cross and included the Thief of the Cross! Now after the Cross Adam and Eve could partake of the Tree of Life! After the Cross the Tree of Life is open to all! To avoid the Tree of Life and try to live on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is sin against God! The knowledge of evil that you have was acquired through sin! The goodness of God is acquired through Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of death for your sin! God makes you right with him but you can never no matter how hard you try make yourself right with God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tombstone Territory! Genesis 3:15

In honor to the 61 million children aborted here in America since 1973 I have asked President Trump to create a National Monument to them! I have suggested he call it the Tomb to the Unknown Children! These children would have been doctor’s, lawyers, inventors, technicians, soldiers, airmen, sailors, service workers, production workers, evangelists, pastors, presidents, congressmen and women, senators, business creators, care givers and so much more! We have a generation of missing people here in America who would have paid federal, state and local taxes, social security taxes and provided resources to pay off the National debt! We would not have had to rely on illegal immigration for a work force! So many benefits lost and a negative population growth! These children would have had children and grandchildren! So we have also lost future generations! A memorial needs to be built to these sacrificed children! Also we have exported this abortion with over 1 1/2 billion genocides since 1980. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Firmament? Genesis 1:6

The Hebrew word means to expand by hammering out! To expand out by hammering plates! Like an earth quake! To expand the water above, below and beneath! To expand the earth into the planets above! Science tells us the earth and all the planets, sun, moon and stars are the same age confirming Genesis 1:1. However science cannot measure a day in terms of creation! Not yet! So God moved upon the waters and divided them just as he did with light! He separated the water on the surface to above and beneath! Water above is the clouds that carry rain! They cool the earth and irrigate it! Beneath are the springs in the earth! Space exploration is all about finding water! Should we be surprised when they find it? Later God created man out of the dust of the earth! Should we be surprised we are 90 percent water? God divides to expand! Like splitting an atom! God has divided good and evil! Heaven and Hell! He separates the sheep from the goats at the Judgment! Just as God hammered out the plates to expand the earth I thought about another hammer! The Roman hammer of the Cross! Hammering spikes into his feet and hands! His sacrifice expanded the Kingdom of God both on earth and in Heaven! To expand God’s Kingdom requires sacrifice and pain! Still today he is despised and rejected of men! To honor God is to honor his Creation! To dishonor God is to deny his Creation! That is what evolution does! To deny their creator? To deny his existence is to deny yourself! When you deny God’s Holy scriptures you are really repeating the words of Satan in the Garden of Eden! Surely God has not said……. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gender Confusion! Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Comment: The word create in the Hebrew means to initiate and make an object without manipulating it from it’s original form and purpose. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution manipulates God’s creation and tries to turn it into a pseudo science to oppose God! He as an atheist opposing the scriptures! He attacks the very foundation of God! So the war against God today as always goes back the Book of Genesis! The word female is a very interesting word in the Hebrew! The word means to bore or hollow out! The word male when you go back to the foundational root word Strong’s#2142, means to remember! To remember what? His purpose! So the woman reminds or brings to remembrance to a man that he is a man! This besides other talents is what she does best! So for what purpose? Our purpose as shown in the next verse 28 is to be fruitful and multiply! So what does Satan try to do to thwart God’s purpose? To bring gender confusion! To promote homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, abortion and divorce! To break up the family! To attack God’s purpose for man! Notice this war is a war on women! The first war on women was on Eve in the Garden of Eden! Continued with the attempted abortion of Jesus at his birth by the government of Rome through King Herod! To not remember who we are is to thwart our God given purpose! The culture of death opposes the culture of life! The suicide rates for transgenders, homosexuals and lesbians is  fifty to sixty percent higher than the rest of the population! Satan wants to destroy civilizations! God has a redemptive plan for man! To not remember who we are is to lose our God given purpose for our existence! Reject the culture of death and any political parties that support it! When I came to Christ as a young man on my death bed I experienced the love of God! He forgave me and gave me a new life! Born again! I no longer remembered my sin but remembered Christ and his forgiveness! Jesus said at Communion, ‘This do in remembrance of me!” If you will remember him and the sacrifice he made for you on the Cross he will never leave you nor forsake you! James and Hamsa Sasse.