Fired Admiral Leads to Pearl Harbor Attack!

February 1941 Rear Admiral James Richardson was removed from command after protesting President Roosevelt’s decision to move the bulk of the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor! He protested against the redeployment of the Pacific portion of the fleet forward to Pearl Harbor, believing that a forward defense was neither practical or useful, and that the Pacific Fleet would be the logical first target in the event of war with Japan. Comment: It is always wise to take the advice from our military leaders on military matters even if you are President of the United States! One of the keys to Alexander the Great and his military victories was that he surrounded himself General’s who did not agree with him on tactics! The reason he did that was that he believed that those General’s would give him an idea how the enemy would think! We pay tribute to the 2408 military members of the United States and the 1300 wounded for their sacrifice and service to our nation on December 7, 1941. God Bless their souls! James and Hamsa Sasse.

President Lincoln and Christmas!

Christmas was not declared a National Holiday until 1870 five year’s after Lincoln’s assassination. Lincoln was a innovator using telegraph to communicate with his General’s during the civil war! Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd and their son Tad, would visit the union soldiers in hospitals! The Lincoln’s used their own money to buy lemons and oranges for the union troops to prevent scurvy! Lincoln had something to do with the image of Santa Claus! In 1863 he commissioned his friend and former campaign poster artist Thomas Nast, to illustrate Santa Claus handing out gifts to the union troops! Before Thomas Nast, Father Christmas was shown as a tall thin man but Nast made him bearded and plump! Besides creating the image of Santa, Nast also created the donkey and elephant images of the Democratic and Republican parties. He also created the familiar image of Uncle Sam! American history is rich with the image of Christmas! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Persian Empire and Christmas!

The word (Peri), according to Persian folklore is a supernatural being descended from Fallen Angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done. Remember the wise men or magi were Persians! I will detail about this in another posting. So the Persians who needed penance showed up to witness the birth of Christ! If this does not get your attention to the importance of witnessing to the Persian people nothing will. Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mary’s Song of Praise! Luke 2:51

“He hath showed strength with his arm, He hath scattered those that have turned their backs on Him in the image of their hearts!” Comment: Notice God scatters them! Remember Israel’s captivity? Like Refugee’s! Why would people turn their backs on God? Probably many reasons but the bottom line is they have the wrong image of God in their hearts! Remember we were created in the image or imagination of God! However the image breaker Satan is very busy! Satan tries to break the image of God in your heart! He tries through deception and lies to paint a bad picture of God to you! Christmas is important for this shows us God’s love for us! Being born for us and dying for us cannot create a better picture of God’s love for you! When we find the true image of God and His love for us then we want to love God and try to be like Him! The true image of God is expressed in the birth of His only Son Jesus Christ and the reasons He has come to earth just for you! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Darwinism and World War II

Charles Darwin Quote: “I could show fight in natural selection having done and doing more for the progress of civilization than you inclined to admit. Remember what risk that the nations of Europe ran, not so many centuries ago of being overwhelmed by the Turks (Muslims), and how ridiculous such idea’s are now! The more civilized so called caucasian races have beaten the Turks hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking at the world at no distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will be eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world.” There were many aspects of Hitler’s ideology but he had a racial doctrine resting on the platter of Social-Darwinism! Mussolini Dictator of Italy asserted there was a “natural law” for stronger people to subject and dominate “inferior people.” Mussolini claimed the world was divided into a hierarchy of races and history is nothing more than a Darwinian struggle for power and territory between the racial masses. He believed science proved there was no God and that the historical Jesus was ignorant and mad! Now a quote from Stalin’s Russia by Francis B. Randall: “Stalin remained all his life an admirer of Darwin! His theories seemed so exiting to Stalin as a youth! Stalin claimed Darwin had taught him that all things move progressively in an evolutionary determination! More revealing however was how social Darwinism was implicitly applied during his reign purging 20 million people! In the 1930’s Japan developed a death culture which had a profound effect on the Japanese armed forces in the Pacific War (1941-1945). As a result the government directed a propoganda campaign after the overthrow of the Shogunate in 1868, the ruling military cliques restored the Imperial system of government which placed Emperor Meiji as the Godhead central to the Constitution and spiritual life of the Japanese nation. Then a bastard Bushido cult emerged. It combined with Social-Darwinian belief in Japan’s manifest destiny was to dominate Asia! The result was a murderous brutality that became synonymous with Japanese treatment of prisoners and conquered civilians! Francis Pike. Conclusion: Darwinism played a major role in the ideology of the Axis power and Russia in World War II. It resulted in a total loss of life both military and civilian of about 70 million people! Darwinism is taught in our public schools and public supported colleges across America! It is taught and masked as science? It is really an atheistic ideology that has replaced the teachings of Christ in our school systems! I believe we need to ask Donald Trump to remove all Federal funding of any school that promotes this destructive ideology! Thankyou! Make America Great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.