Prayer Request!

Please be in prayer for our neighbor Lenny here in Atlanta! He has been diagnosed with 3rd stage kidney cancer! He had to resign his job and asked me for advice about renting or selling his house so they could move back to Florida and stay with family there. I shared with him how Jesus healed me from my death bed back in the early 1970’s and that God loves him as much as me or anyone else! We prayed together in our front yard this morning and I asked Lenny to give Jesus a chance before he would try to rent or sell his house! These small children need a father so keep Lenny in your prayers! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Remember This When You Vote!

In this politically charged season, we do well to remember that we are not voting for a savior but a servant—one who needs to demonstrate that if he or she has served God faithfully, it is a clear indication that he or she will serve the nation similarly. If you are looking for someone with a Messianic complex, then he or she will simply pave the way for the Biblical Anti-Christ, Satan’s sinister representative, who will lead many away from the truth! Michael Youssef, Leading The Way Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.