Democrats & Open Borders!

The features of globalization have huge consequences or pandemics! It just comes to us much more closely…and as a consequence, every one of these viruses that pass from animals to humans has the capacity to infest us all! Nathan Wolfe, American Virologist. Comment: The political left has been pushing for a one world government over past administrations! From open borders, sanctuary cities, weak voter I.D. laws, weak military, supporting World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, public government education system and the list goes on and on! Anyway to weaken our Nationalism and promote a one world government! Think if we did not have borders and could not have stopped Chinese air travel into America! Do we want the EU model where there are no borders? No protection from invaders? So according to our Bible there will one day be a one world government! Socialism! It will be hell on earth and run by the Anti-Christ! It will be the most destructive seven years in human history! We do not want to try to build another Tower of Babel! Our American sovereign borders protect us from these physical invasions of diseases and people and armies who want to harm us! Our liberties are dependent on a government that wants to defend our Constitutional rights as citizens of one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! Your vote this November will be between two very different ideologies! A choice between strong Nationalism or the one world government socialism dis-order and chaos of globalism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Intentional? Coronavirus!

“And remember that they knew about this virus in December and January and they allowed 15000 people per day of their own citizens to fly direct flights into the United States! So we have 60 days of about a million people coming into us from China, many who were probably exposed to the virus until Trump imposed the travel ban”. Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at Hoover Institution. March 12, 2020

Bat Worship & Plagues!

The worship of bats dates to earliest times and may have its origins in Late Paleolithic cattle herding. The bat was the chief goddess of Seshesh, otherwise known as Hu or Diospolis Parva, the 7th Nome of Upper Egypt. The village of Rampur Ratnakar in Bihar State India is known for bat worship! They believe they protect them from epidemics? Comment: Well the good news might be if you worship these creatures then you will not eat them! What I experienced in India was when these creatures such as snakes, monkeys ,rats and the other creatures and make them a god they becomes very abundant! Then sooner or later these creatures become infected and they bite a human and transmit the plagues to humans! The Jewish food diet programs in the Book of Leviticus are there to prevent pandemics along with strict prohibitions of idol worship! However as much of the world rejects these laws then these pandemics will continue! Jesus said these pestilences will be one of the many signs of his second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse. `

1918 Pandemic & Fools!

The possibility of death is always before us and we should live accordingly! The thought of death and eternity is always before us! You who are not Christians, who have not yet repented of your sins, who have not yet surrendered yourselves to the guidance of Jesus Christ, if you allow these repeated warnings that you have had, day by day, week by week, to go unheeded…God has opened the way for your salvation, through the gift of His only begotten Son who died for you giving you the opportunity to make your peace with God! Pastor Francis Gimke, 1918. Comment: If people are fools enough to reject Christ through this Coronavirus then nothing will cause them to stop rejecting Christ! My Bible says after death the Judgment! Those in Christ who die understand Christ has taken their judgment on the Cross! So when Christ their judge see’s them on judgment day he see’s his own sacrifice for them and judgment is passed by for them! For those who have rejected Christ they take their own judgment on judgment day separated from God forever in Hell! Every day you try to live without Christ is a judgment day! You say God could not be that unfair? What is cruel is for you to reject the bloody sacrifice of His Son on the Cross for you! That is real cruelty! That is as cold as death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pandemic Preacher 1918

Follow the advice and instruction of the experts! In their attempt to curb the influenza and “safeguard” the general public, Washington D.C.’s public health commissioner closed theatres, schools, churches, and large public gatherings. Not everyone is happy about this, Grimke writes, “There has been considerable grumbling, I know on the part of some, particularly in regard to the closing of churches. It seems to me, however, in a matter like this it is always wise to submit to the restrictions for the time being. The local government’s exercise of power in this moment was indeed “extraordinary” and “would not be tolerated under ordinary circumstances”, but the circumstances in Washington D.C. and the nation during this epidemic are far from “ordinary”. Pastor Grimke warned his congregation not to “needlessly run into danger” and expect God to protect us.” He added that, “all churches, as well as the community at large, are going to be stronger and better through the season of distress through which we are passing.” Listen to the experts. Self-quarantine and practice social distancing. Pastor Francis J. Grimke, 15th Street Presbyterian Church, Washington D.C. 1918 Comment: Pastor Grimke was an African American preacher and a good one! His advice to his congregation was full of wisdom! Over 675000 Americans died from the 1918 pandemic! We as Christians need to listen to our authorities so we can reduce the spread of the Coronavirus and save lives! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Divorce Kit!

Not only does our kit include all the necessary legal documents but also just for no extra charge we include two bottles of 100 MG Tablets of Coronavirus directly shipped from our Biological Warfare Laboratory located in Wuhan China!

Gas Pump!

Be sure to wipe down your gas pump handle with a sanitizer before you put your hands on the handle! A lot of people handle is pump nozzle handle everyday!

Chinese Language?

Dear President Trump, Why is the Chinese language being taught in our public schools to elementary schools across America? Who in the NEA and our government is taking bribes from China to promote this agenda? This is not how we make America great again! Twenty percent of high school graduates cannot read English coming out of public schools! Our public school system is the left wing of the Democratic Party! They are teaching our children that transgenderism, homosexuality, gay marriage and sex changes for children is something to behold? After your re-election we must move to school vouchers where parents can move their children to the school of their choice either private or public! This would make America great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Repentance?

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Comment: How bad must it get before the clergy across America call for a National Repentance? From this scripture I see prerequisites for the healing of our land! We need to humble ourselves, pray, turn from our wicked ways and then God will hear us from heaven, forgive our sin and then heal our land! What part of this do we not get? Repentance begins in the House of God because Judgment begins in the House of God! America is the world leader in abortion! Does our money have to completely collapse so we have no more money for abortions? We are the leading Nation in promoting gay marriage! Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, sex change surgeries and therapies, evolution, divorce yet no call from the clergy across America to repent? We the church have been cooperating with evil because of the silence from the pulpits! So how much worse does it have to get for us to turn the tide of evil? How much worse to break our pride and humble us? Our food supply is being interrupted now! Strawberries are rotting in the fields of Georgia! Milk producers are dumping their milk into the ground! What will it take! A complete collapse of our money system? Complete collapse of civil authority? Collapse of all governments! Jesus prophesized of the coming one world government led by the Anti-Christ! It is like the church has been raptured for the buildings are emptied! Things got so bad for the Prophet Elijah that a Raven had to bring him food! He was helped by a widow woman! Jesus said the day will come when you will have to labor for a whole day’s wages to buy a loaf of bread! I think the worse thing that could happen to us is for things to go back to normal and business as usual! Can Satan turn stones into bread for you? Jesus fed the five thousand! Give us this day our daily bread! The Jews made great sacrifices to build the Temple! Then in the dedication of the Temple God brought this scripture to his remembrance to Solomon saying the internal condition of man is more important than the external condition! How much sacrifice will we have to make to fill the House of God with people? Jesus said not one stone will remain of this Temple! This people will be a very different people as all of us will be after this pandemic is over! A people who understand suffering able to comprehend the suffering of God on the Cross for our sin! Suffering brings down pride and lifts up humility and repentance! Now I see clearly now the pain is gone! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus & Plagues!

Mark 3:10 “For he had healed many: insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues.” Comment: Twenty one centuries later your answer to the plague is still Jesus Christ! Looked what happened in the next verse eleven! When those with the plague touched Jesus with the plague unclean Spirits came out of them! Then the unclean Spirits confessed that Jesus is the Son of God! Evil Spirits recognize the Divinity of Christ! Why is it that stupid people do not? Evil Spirits recognize the authority of Christ! The Devil is smarter than most people! That is how he deceives them! Every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord and every knee shall bow! It is just some people do that later than others from Hell! Do it while you are still living and have breath on earth! Notice the Coronavirus takes your breath away! You can no longer curse God and your ability to praise him is also gone! Notice in this chapter the religious leaders got together after Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath and plotted to kill Jesus! How is it that the Devil and the Spirits of darkness confess Jesus as Lord yet the religious leaders try to kill him? What fools! To be dumber than the Devil is not a compliment! Can a man survive this Coronavirus without the protection of Christ? No way! No science is going to save you! God made the sciences so he can figure out what the scientist never will! To little too late! Cover yourself in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ! Confess your sin and receive his forgiveness! No Pastor can save you! No church or organization can save you! Only Jesus! This is why Jesus is separating us from organized religion so you will discover you have only one Savior and one God! Take Communion in your home every Sunday! Identify with Christ with your words and your actions! Jesus knows the pretenders and the true followers of him! Judas was a pretender! This plague will sort out fakes from truth followers in Christ! Confess his blood over your life! Take the elements of Communion into your body! Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord to yourself and everyone you meet! Ashamed of him he will be ashamed of you! Bad place to be in! If so change that! Take action! Change your ways! Your life here and after is dependent on what you do with Jesus! Shame him or proclaim him the choice is in your hands and your outcome in life and in death! James and Hamsa Sasse.