A Plagueless Life!

Revelation 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of this prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these thing’s, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things written in this book.” Comment: Since we are in the middle of a plague I thought it appropriate that we talk about the last chapter of the last Book of our Bible! People claim that the first and last chapter of any book are the most important! So what is God saying to us in these two scriptures out of the Book of Revelation? What revelation can we get? Let me make it simple for us! To reject Jesus Christ will execute the judgments of these scriptures! Any ideology to replace Christ or reject him bringing an addition or subtraction of Christ is lethal! You hear all the ideologies opposing Christ today and over history! Christ is not the only way to heaven! There is no God! We evolved! Jesus Christ did not exist! I will be God and make my own gods! God did not create me I believe in Darwinism! I will decide who lives and dies! Abortion! God is who you make him to be in your mind! Hinduism! We create God! I reject that Christ died for me so I will die for God by martyrdom! Islam! I will be greater than God! I will be God! I will die for him! You have to work your way to heaven by good works! My salvation is based on my works! The list goes on and on into infinity! I believe in reincarnation! I will come back again over and over so I will never have to face the judgment of God for my sin and never have to accept his salvation! Easter ia about God reconciling our sin to himself his way! By the way of the Cross! His plan for our redemption completed at the Cross! The blood of God shed for our sin! The source of plague is sin! When Jesus died on the Cross the dead rose from the grave! The worst part of verse 19 is to have your name blotted out of the Book of Life! Separated from God forever! Every name is written in the Book of Life because Christ died for all! He arose from the dead for all! So what would cause your name to be blotted out? Rejecting Christ with any ideology that supports your rejection of him! Whatever excuse you can make to seal your fate! Satan tricked Eve into thinking God is no good! He does the same today as he deceives the world so they may join him in Hell! Reject Christ then your Savior becomes your judge! Jesus Christ is optional only to a fool! A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Instead of mocking and cursing God why not praise him? Use the breath he has given you to honor him! Praise him for the suffering he took for you and your sin on the Cross! It is a Holy Cross because he has made you Holy! He has prepared a place for you in Heaven free from suffering, death, hell and the grave! No more plagues! He took your curse on the Cross! God is not the author of plague but Satan is! His objective is to destroy you! God to save you! Who have you chosen to follow? Do not discount your life and follow the destroyer of all life for God has paid a great price to redeem you! The protection of Christ is your reward! Jesus name is above every name in heaven and earth! That is why he holds the Book of Life! Is your name there? John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son! For what? That whoever believes on him shall not perish! No plague! And then have everlasting life! What part of forever do you not get? I cannot think of a better way or time to accept Jesus Christ than in the midst of a plague! The plague will pass but his name endures forever! Inoculate yourself from sin! Invite Jesus to come into your life! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Make Someone Laugh!

When I check out at a Walmart or another store I look for opportunity to make someone laugh! Just before the clerk hands me the receipt I tell them my wife tells me that I look better with a mask on! What do you think? Looks like this mask will be permanent for me! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Plagues From China!

The great waves of plague that twice devastated Europe and changed the course of history had their origins in China, a team of medical geneticists reported study as did the third plague outbreak that struck less harmfully in the 19th Century. Wade Nicholas, New York Times, November 4, 2010 Comment: Now we have a new pandemic wave out of China! History repeats itself too often out of China! Now they have re-opened their wet markets selling diseased animals such as bats, dogs and other detestable meats for human consumption! Humans consume these products and then the viruses are transmitted to other humans! China shut down their domestic travel however they continued to allow airline international travel to continue infecting the whole world! We will have to close our borders to China and move all our production back to the United States for no nation can with stand this kind of irresponsibility by the Chinese Communist government and our future with them looks very bleak! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Never Say No!

No pain, no palm, no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory, no cross, no crown! William Penn (1644-1718), Founder of Province of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia.

Small Business?

Even if you are self-employed go back to your 2018 tax form and 2019 if you have completed your taxes and take your incomes and divide by 12 months! Then take your present income for 2020 thru April and divide by 4 months. If you have lost income contact the Small Business Administration and file for assistance! They will be writing off most of these loans! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

3rd Plague! 3rd Commandment!

The third plague over King Pharaoh and Egypt was lice! Invasion of lice into every Egyptian! Why lice? Let me give you a definition of lice; “Lice are parasitic insects that can be found on people’s heads and bodies including the pubic area. Human lice survives by feeding on human blood and lays eggs in their clothing producing more lice and more blood sucking.” The key word here is blood! Pharaoh rejected the sacrificial blood of the Jews for redemption so his blood was sacrificed! No redemption in his blood or of his people! Because of the rejection he became the sacrifice! Pharaoh trusted his idols! Idol worshipers make an idol which fails so they make another idol which fails! If a woman is your idol then you chase after woman after woman but never satisfied! This is where idol worship takes you! Making your own gods instead of embracing the living God! According to my Bible we were created in the Image of God! You get in trouble if you create God in your Image! Hitler lost two million troops on the Eastern front with Russia in WWII. Napoleon lost his army trying to conquer Russia! Most of the casualties froze to death in the harsh Russian winter! The Axis powers leaders were all Evolutionists! They rejected creation of our scripture and embraced Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution! It lead to the death of tens of millions of people! A historical story of the German troops on the Eastern front was because they had to keep the same uniform on for months lice infested their bodies! When they got near a fire to keep from freezing to death the heat to their bodies would cause the lice to swarm on them! They could not stand that so they would back away from the fire that would keep them from freezing to death! So the German people were sacrificed by blood loss because their leader Hitler rejected the blood sacrifice of Christ for their sin! So they went out and committed sins! This is the curse of God! Blessings or curses depending on what you do with the sacrificial Blood of God! We either praise God or we will curse God! Pharaoh mocked God and cursed God by trying to compete with Moses by trying to duplicate the signs and wonders God gave Moses in Egypt! Rebellion against God leads to you making yourself a god! Evolutionists are really atheists! They reject the sacrificial blood of Christ! The tenth plague on King Pharaoh and the Egyptian people was the death of the first born! More blood sacrifice! Their own sacrifice! So what is the death of the first born in America for the 20th and 21st century? What have the Evolutionist devised? Abortion! To the tune of about 60 million! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


The Renaissance took place in chaos and plague! Shiva Ayyadurai. Indian American scientist, engineer, entrepreneur and inventor of the E-mail. Comment: If you are bored and worried stuck at home send encouraging E-mails to yourself! Remember the persecuted church during the first three centuries by the Roman Empire produced the fastest growing and spiritually strongest church in the world! Instead of worrying live in faith and come up with idea’s that will help us during this pandemic! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

1st Plague! 1st Commandment!

So what was the first plague on the Pharaoh and Egypt for not letting the Jews go out into the wilderness and worship their God? Moses wanted his people to get away from the idols of Egypt for they had suffered with them for 430 years! This was the hardest part of slavery! They could not worship their God! From my three years in India I understand this very well! Everyday you see hundreds of idols everywhere! This begins to wear you down over time! Pharaoh refused to let them go! So Moses took his rod and struck the Nile River, the lakes, ponds, streams and wells of Egypt and the water turned to blood! This was the first plague of Egypt! They could not drink the water and all the fish died in the water and they lost their food supply! The first Commandment says thou shall have no other gods before me! So what does the blood represent? Redemption or judgment! Remember Jesus turned the water into wine! A red mixture representing blood! Remember during the 10th plague Moses directed the Hebrews to put the sacrificial blood of the lamb on the side door posts and the upper door post so the death angel would Passover them and not kill their first born! Pharaoh rejected the blood sacrifice of the Hebrews worship predicting the coming Lamb of God who would be the sacrifice for our sin! So the blood became not his Savior but his curse! The blood of Christ will either be your Savior or your judge! The same God yesterday, today and forever! The same sacrifice! The same Savior and the same Judge! It all depends on what you do with his blood! I heard a preacher on TBN say God can forgive any sin! I agree except for one sin! To reject the Savior! Then you take your own judgment instead of letting Christ take your judgment! This is the only unpardonable sin! Sometimes when you hear preachers you get the idea there is no consequences for rejecting Christ? If God can pardon every sin then I can reject Christ and go on with my life with no consequences! Pharaoh rejected the blood and it became his curse! The rejection of the blood of Christ brings every plague upon men! The Savior becomes your judge! God took your judgment on an ugly Cross! When I see America reject the Savior then I understand the plagues! There is no call to a National Repentance from most preachers? No repentance of abortion, gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenderism and the sins our nation has promoted! It seems like business as usual? You can still repent and so can I of my sin! Repentance is required based upon the Word of God! Blessings or curses! Plagues or Redemption! Pharaoh had a choice and so do you! Choose this day who you will serve! Choose Christ and his atoning blood for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

2nd Plague! 2nd Commandment!

There is a correlation between the 10 Plagues of Egypt and the 10 Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai! The Plagues came first and then the Commandments! God gave us the Commandments to stay off the Plagues! The second Plague to Egypt were frogs! Why frogs? Among the ancient Egyptians frogs were sacred and could not be killed! Egyptians worshiped the frog as a female goddess because frogs were common around the Nile River where they reproduced rapidly and being amphibious they were part of two worlds, creatures of both land and water. So what does the second Commandment say? Do not make any graven images and serve them! Idol worship has been around since the beginning of time! While living in India I saw millions of people worshiping cows, snakes, elephants, monkeys and the list goes on! The Spirit of Satan lives in Idol worship! You will be in bondage to serving idols! The frog that the Pharaoh of Egypt worshiped became his curse! If you worship anything that replaces God that Spirit will take over your life controlling you and destroying you! That has always been Satan’s objective! To steal worship from God and destroy his followers! Some people worship money, sex, power, position, fame, land ,silver, gold, stocks and the list goes on! These things are not evil in themselves but if they replace true worship of the true God lead to your destruction! Religion itself can become an idol! God will give you all the things you need in life without the bondage that would otherwise come with them! The Ten Commandments lead us to finding and worshiping the true God! Satan is the imposter pretending to be God to steal worship from the true God! My Bible says Jesus is the Name above all names! Jesus name is above the Coronavirus! Above sickness and death! Above pandemics! Above fear! Above evil! Jesus defeated your sin and evil at the Cross! He has handed us the victory! Many in American culture have socially distanced themselves from God! Religion replaced worship! Now God is removing our idols to get our attention that we need to return to the true living God! To worship him alone!James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com