Marxism & Evolution! Survival of the Fittest!

Labor is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert, and it really is the source-next to nature, which supplies it with material that is converted into wealth. But it is infinitely more than this. It is the basic condition of all human existence, and this is such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that [labor created man himself]. Source: Frederick Engels, The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man. 1876 Commentary: The Marxists got it ass backwards! God created man and gave him labor to be productive! For purpose! God worked himself in the creation of this world in six days! Then rested on the seventh day from his labor! Sunday is about resting from our labor just as God rested! The Darwinists or evolutionists in history oppose God and his creation manufacturing an ideology that has proven the most destructive ideology known to man! This same ideology is carried on today in America by the political left pushing Marxism and all anti-God ideologies! Look for the sources of all ideologies! We have our Bible and the scriptures proven since the beginning of time! Marx and Engels and Darwin have themselves only as the basis for their theories! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Robert E. Lee Psalm 11:3

When President Lincoln tried to resupply Fort Sumter the Federal Fort in Charleston South Carolina harbor, the secessionists responded by bombarding it! Lincoln summoned an Army of 75 thousand men to suppress the rebellion and asked Colonel Robert E. Lee of Virginia to take command of it. What if Lee would have accepted? Lee repeatedly said he believed secession was treason! Georgia receded but only by a handful of votes. Lee was married to George Washington’s great granddaughter Mary Curtis. Lee lived in Arlington Virginia. Lee’s father, Henry “Light Horse Harry” was a famous American Revolutionary War Calvarymen and one of Washington’s favorite solders! Only 6 percent of the South owned slaves! George Washington enlisted thousands of black men into his Continental Army in 1776. He freed all his slaves in his will and ordered they be educated and trained in various skills! If Lee had accepted Lincoln’s offer how would have things changed? Possibly no civil war and Lee could have been elected President of the United States after Lincoln! Source: Historians History 6-24-13 Comment: So why tear down his statues? Like shooting yourself in the foot! The left is determined to destroy America! Why? Why bite the hand that feeds you? History is twisted in our public tax funded education system! Our children are taught to hate America! So what will replace Christian America? Prophetically it will be very ugly! Why disrespect our flag? Our foundation stones are being broken away! The Church in America needs to help rebuild our walls! It needs to recognize they are being torn down! We are in a war and need to get into the fight for survival of America! There are only two Nations standing in the way of the one world government and the Anti-Christ! America and Israel. God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christians Saved From Islam at Battle of Tours 732 A.D.

Precisely 100 years after the death of Islam’s prophet Mohammad in 632, his Arab followers, after conquering thousands of miles of lands from Arabia to Spain, found themselves in Gaul (modern-day France), facing a hitherto little-known people, Christian Franks. There around October 10-11, in the year 732 one of history’s most decisive battles took place, demarcating the extent of Islam’s western conquests and ensuring the survival of the West! Source:  Comment: The details of this battle is interesting but writings are extensive if you care to pursue? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.