Mass Migration & Socialism!

Our porous southern border is replacing Americans with non-Americans! France and Germany are replacing their citizens with non-citizens! The joke is France used to colonize now they are being colonized! So what is the ideology behind this? Socialism where the voice of those standing up for the freedoms set by our Constitution are replaced with people who do not have a clue about democracy! Then they are easily molded into a socialist state! This is the staging grounds for the one world government led by the Anti-Christ as predicted in your Bible! So how can we fight back? By electing leaders who oppose socialism and promote freedoms as outlined in our Constitution! The Rapture of the church will come before the Anti-Christ takes over world rule for 7 years known as the Tribulation period climaxed by Christ’s second coming but in the meantime fight for the freedom we still have now for us and future generations! Abortions since 1973 have created a missing generation of people! The drugs across our southern border have claimed the lives of one hundred thousand people over past year! These are Democrat installed policies and tragedies replacing Americans with non-Americans for a takeover of our protections and freedoms! James & Hamsa Sasse.