Man of The of Year?

Well now Time magazine says person of the year! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. One of the magazines criteria is that they will bring change! Remember Obama hope and change? So who was on the cover of Time magazine as ‘Man of the Year’ in 1938? Adolph Hitler! Hope and change! James & Hamsa Sasse.

State Control of Your Children!

Do you charge us with wanting to stop exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty. Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. Commentary: The reason the political left with millions of dollars every year into their coffers from Teacher Unions wants to eliminate private schools and any school choice is they know through public education or State controlled education they can control the children and remove the authority of their parents and will have future generations who will worship the State rather than God who gave us our children! Hopefully you will never have to experience DEFACS showing up at your door with a couple of sheriffs! James & Hamsa Sasse.

True Image of God!

1 John 3:2 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet [appear] what we shall be, but we know that, when he shall [appear], we shall be like him; for we shall see him as is he is.” Commentary: The word appear in Greek is an interesting word! It means the act of divine revelation! Jesus eternal existence preceded his earthly disclosure. Jesus did not begin at a manger in Bethlehem! He has no beginning and no end! This is the character of God! If you think you are God try that! I remember the drunk guy in India that shouted out some words in the street of a village there. He shouted out these words in the local Tamil language so I asked my nephew what he said? He said, “I was before the beginning!” Drugs will do strange things to the mind! He was making himself God! It happens a lot in India! If you reject God you will try to make yourself God! Only one problem! You are not God! While in heaven Lucifer or Satan tried to make himself God! He rebelled with one third of the angels in heaven against God and was cast down to the earth where he authors rebellion in humans against God here on earth! War started in heaven and it continues even today! The riots, looting, church burnings and murder did not start in the streets of American this year! The seeds of rebellion against God and his authority began in heaven! Satan can never be God since like us he is a created being but he created a hell for himself and those that follow him! Who you follow is who you look like! Follow Jesus and you will begin to look like him! Follow Satan and you will look like him! Jesus is love, peace, joy, patience, long suffering, sacrifice for others, prophetic, powerful, full of faith and forgiving your enemies! When Jesus appears at his second coming if you have been following him you will look like him! If not you will be a stranger to him and him to you! We were created in the Image of God yet that can only be accomplished through Christ because he took your sin away on the Cross that has transformed your image from sin against God and man to the righteousness of God and peace with men! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Treasures of History!

The history of humanity is not a hotel where someone can rent a room whenever it suits him; nor is it a vehicle which we board or get out of at random. Our past will be for as a burden beneath which we can only collapse for long as we refuse to understand the present and fight for a better future. Only then—but from that moment on—will the burden become a blessing, that is, a weapon in the battle of freedom! Hannah Arendt Commentary: Our history is a starting point for a better tomorrow! We have made gains then we have lost some battles yet forever learning from our mistakes! If our history is lost then we have no starting point! The cancel culture movement on the political left is about destroying our history in hopes it will destroy America! Did you know among other things your Bible is a history book! How God dealt with man in his fallen condition and then the plan executed by God for his redemption! If you could avoid every mistake made by men recorded in your Bible then you would be God! Our Bible is a living document just as our Constitution that transcends the passing of time and the exit of every generation! God is faithful from generation to generation! The promise he has made to your past generations are the same promises for you today! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! His love is everlasting! God has created our history! He is executing the promises to you everyday but you must claim them! If you proclaim his name to the world you will at the same time claiming his promises to you as found in the scriptures! History reflects good and evil depending on which side of the divide you are standing on! United in Christ we stand! Freedom began in my life when I surrendered to Christ and then he began to fight my battles for me! He never lost a battle as he fought for you on the Cross! Raised from the dead for you! Ascended to the Father for you! Seated at the right hand of the Father praying for you! Preparing for his second coming back to earth for you! We are not saved by works but for works! What are you doing for him? Take the sword of the spirit his Word a double edged sword to conquer every ideology opposing the Kingdom of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Accountable Ministries & Stewards of Mysteries!

1 Corinthians 4:1 “Let a man so [account] of us, as of the [ministers] of Christ, and [stewards] of the [mysteries] of God.” Commentary: Let us look at these four bracketed words in the scripture above. The first word is account. It is derived from the Greek word ‘Logos’. It means the Word of God! Are you an accountant? Do you use your mental calculator? Can we do the math? Jesus said count the cost to follow me! Some begin with Jesus like Judas but sell out for the cost is too great for them! The word means to count something preferable to be answered to! It also means to be applied in a substitutional manner! The work of Christ in you on the earth! Accounted to or responsible to God to promote the Gospel! The second word is ‘minister’. The word means to be a subordinate servant to a superior! A subordinate official means to wait to perform the duties of a superior! This is where so many ministries go wrong! Many do not want to submit to authority! They do not want to be under the authority of another! You know the old saying in the military? You can never be in authority unless you are under authority! Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist! Jesus never went out and did his own thing! I do the will of my Father! Not my will but thy will be done! Are you under authority? Is you church leader under authority? Or are you the Lone Ranger without the Redskin? Did your Pastor get authority approval to buy the ten million dollar mansion or the sixty million dollar jet? Is your Pastor under the authority of another human being? True ministry is under authority! Authority of God and man! Did you get approval from your pastor to run off and start a ministry somewhere? Are you covered by his prayers? The next word is steward. It means to manage the affairs of another! Judas was in charge of the money! It means to manage the affairs of your family! The church! The Body of Christ! To manage the Gospel in a spiritual dispensation! If a revival would break out across your nation would you have the skills to manage it? Do you have problems managing your own life? If you cannot manage a small group then how could you manage bigger things? It still amazes me how Pastor Cho in Korea managed the largest church in the world through small group ministries? It is certainly a mystery which is our last word study in this scripture verse! Mysteries are the hidden revelations of God revealed at the proper time and place! We have the Book of Revelation! They are revealed to those that are submitted under the authority of God! They can be anyone who is submitted to God and his Christ! Any mystery is outlined in your Bible! For example plagues or pandemics! Many scriptures on this topic including what Jesus said about them! The judgment by them and the deliverance from them! Mysteries are disclosed and divinely revealed and validated by historical events! The birth of Jesus! His resurrection! His ascension! His second coming! The events around these events! Signs! Wonders! End time events! The nature of God is revealed through scripture! His love and his judgment executed on all! Mysteries are revealed through his miracles! If you can figure it out it is probably not from God! Without faith it is impossible to please God! The world says seeing is believing but God says believe first and then you will see! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Plagues & End of Age!

Leviticus 26:21 “And if you walk contrary unto me, I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sin.” Commentary: The affliction of epidemic diseases is often sent by God as punishment for sin! In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus disciples ask him what will be the signs of the end of the world? If you read chapter twenty four there is a long list given to us by Jesus! One of these signs is pestilences or plagues. So how would I walk contrary to God? Look at Leviticus chapter 21:2 and the following verses. By not keeping the Sabbaths! When living in Nebraska on a farm back in the 1950’s as a small child i remember my grandma saying we must get groceries today Saturday for tomorrow Sunday all the stores will be closed! Not respecting my sanctuary! Not walking in his statutes and keeping his Commandments! However if you walk keeping my word then blessings follow you! Rain and abundant crops! Your enemies will flee from you! Peace in the land and not turmoil! If America continues to walk contrary legislatively, judicially and socially how much time do we have? If God did not spare Israel how about us? One family survived the world flood! One family survived Sodom and Gomorrah! If you walk according to his word even thought plagues and destruction is all around you he will protect you! A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand yet the Lord will stay you! We are sadly witnessing the destruction of America! An America that wants no part of God! Rebellion against God that a fool can never win! Jesus in Matthew 24 closed out the signs of the end by listing the last sign! He said he that will endure until the end shall be saved! Endurance in the midst of wickedness is a gift from God! Jesus closes out by listing the last sign! The Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come! What is the climax of the end of the world? Christ’s second coming back to earth to rule and reign for a thousand years at the end of the 7 year Tribulation! Walk not contrary to Christ now and you will be part of his Millennium Kingdom later! If saved you reign with Christ now here on earth and you will also reign with him at his second coming! However at his second coming Satan is bound for a thousand years and the peace on earth and good will towards men will be a reality! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Clash of Cultures!

Revelation 13:16-18 Commentary: The number “666” is a lucky number in China! To them it means everything is running smoothly! Some people there even pay extra to have the number included on their license plate! They pay extra to get a prefix on their phone number of “666”. Does their fortune cookies say you have the mark of the beast? For Christians who know their Bible and read and study their Bible including the Christian’s in China we understand it is the mark of the beast! The Anti-Christ who will rule the world for seven years bringing more destruction to earth than all our wars combined in history! Islam has two sacred numbers! The numbers are “666” and “19”. Nineteen highjackers on 9-11. If you go to the search box on our blog and type in 666 you will see more details on this topic and commentaries on this scripture and others! The clash of cultures is evidence of the war between good and evil! This war will stop only after Christ’s return where he will bind Satan for a thousand years! Until then this war will continue! In the mean time take a stand for Christ and if we resist evil Satan will flee from you! We resist evil with the Word of God! We keep his commandments! We study and obey his word! We support our local church! We pray for our enemies! We spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This is what we do! Governments will fail! But the signs that Jesus gave us for his second coming are all around us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why 1100 Pieces of Silver?

Judges 16:5 Commentary: Why did the five Philistine Kings of their city states offer Delilah 1100 pieces of silver each to betray Samson to destroy him? The name Delilah of Hebrew origin means seductive or a love horn. The name Philistine means an invader. They worshiped strange gods in the form of animals and resorted to all kinds of sorcery and soothsaying activities. The name Samson means the name of the sun or distinguished and strong. The Philistines were called the sea people because they came from Crete and had Greek origins. The Philistines settled in the coasts of Palestine on about 1100 B.C. About the same time the Jews settled there from Egypt! So how did the Philistines then know it was 1100 B.C.? They did not however when you look at the Greek numbering system the number one is represented by the Greek letter Alpha! It means beginning. The Greeks then did not then use a zero in their numbering system. That came along in 1200 A.D. Jesus said i am the alpha and the omega! The beginning and the end! I believe the Philistine culture celebrated 1100 in their culture like we in America celebrate 1776! A year of a new beginning! This is the only way I can connect this amount to Delilah as their anniversary number to betray Samson to try to destroy the Jews! Much like 9-11 is a significant number to the Muslims! Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver! Why thirty? Thirty A.D.? He began his ministry in 30 A.D. but was crucified in 33 A.D. That is a topic for another post! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Coronavirus and the Flood of Noah!

2 Peter 3:6 “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished.” Commentary: I would suggest to you that you read Second Peter Chapter 3 which he speaks of the end times! Earlier in the chapter the Apostle Peter speaks about God setting boundaries at creation between the land and the sea. God sets boundaries! Heaven and Hell! Redeemed sinners and unredeemed sinners! Righteousness and wickedness! Healthy and the sick! The living and the dead! In the Day’s of Noah in judgment of wickedness God flooded the earth and all perished except Noah and his family who listened to God and built the Ark! Remember the same water that drowned the world saved Noah and his family! This is how the Salvation of God works! The world is either saved by Jesus or judged by Jesus into everlasting life or everlasting death! Through the Coronavirus you can have just mild symptoms of a cold or flu or you can die from pneumonia. In pneumonia your air sacks in your lungs are filled with fluid so you essentially die by drowning! I am not saying everyone who dies from the Coronavirus is wicked but I am saying we by the same water we need to live by drinking can be the same water that causes death! Many in the Bible were consumed by the fire in judgment yet the three Hebrew children were saved in the fire with the fourth man or Christ in the furnace with them! God will one day destroy the earth and the heaven by fire and create a New Heaven and a New Earth! Do you think you or I can escape this fire unless God is in the fire with you? Only a fool would try on his own! You can call the fireman but he will perish with you! During our swine flu of 1918 over six hundred thousand Americans perished! Sometimes it is called the Spanish flu however it as far as we know carried by our military troops going to Europe in WWI. There was a sick herd of pigs in Kansas near the Army base and they believe it was carried to humans there! They may have eaten the pork and infected!They carried the plague to the trenches of the war in Europe and it spread to troops from all nations and then when those that survived the war went back to their respective countries it was spread with about one hundred million total deaths! The doctors and nurses that tried to help many of them also died! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! Your real protection comes from God! Only the immortal can save the mortal! The world much like in the Day’s of Noah mocks God! In fact Jesus said when he returns it will be much like in the Day’s of Noah! Are you going to get into the Ark of God or are you going to play the fool and try to make it on your own? The fool has said in his heart there is no God! We use science to try to help us through this pandemic because God created the sciences! However do not trust science but the God that created science! The God that created this world! The God that gave you life and has the power to take away your life! However God is not the author of death! Satan is! He wants to destroy the earth and God wants to save us! But you need to help God out by accepting his gift of life here on earth and eternal life forever reserved for you in Heaven! Peter walked on the water but only as he followed Jesus! If he took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink! If you follow Christ redemption will come to you! If you go on your own and reject Christ the Savior becomes your judge! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Beginning of Revival for America!

I had a vision about five years ago which I also posted on our Blog of a great spiritual revival coming to America! In this vision I saw all the athletic stadiums, high school, college and professional sports coliseums turned into gatherings of public worship where the new converts to Christ would meet in the facilities on a regular basis and that sports would end as we know it today! I did not dismiss this vision because I thought it was from God in this vision! I believed if I heard from God it would eventually come to pass! I did not come to Christ but through a crisis in my own life! I believe this is the same for almost everyone! The crisis is here! When sports is gone and money is gone where do people turn to? God! Joel Osteen ministries in Houston turned a sports complex into a worship center! I believe many more will be coming! We have thousands of posts so it may take some time to find this post! When I do I will re-post the vision! God often in any culture has to take our Idol’s away from us! James and Hamsa Sasse.