One day Noah was building an ark and the next day he was running around drunk and naked! Joel Osteen
Tag: next
The Beast and “666” Revelation 13:16-18
Before we can talk about 666 we need to discuss the “Beast.” The Strong’s number in the Greek for this word is 2342. If you go to this Greek root word it says this word has a Hebrew origin. If you go to that Hebrew origin it says this word was taken from another Hebrew word. The Hebrew Strong’s number for this word is 5927. This word is the word, “Alah”. Now this is where it gets interesting! This Hebrew word Alah is never used in the Old Testament scriptures! It is a Hebrew word never used in the Bible except to be translated into the New testament word “Beast” used in the Book of Revelation! The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation. So the word Beast used in Revelation can also be translated Alah! Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Mohammad and Islam ever came along! In Islam the number 666 is a sacred number! We will discuss this in further detail on our next Blog posting. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Ben Carson Next President of United States!
I posted an article on our Blog on May 3, 2015 supporting Ben Carson as our next President! I stand by him and support him as the best man for the job! He is not a fake Christian as Obama but is the real thing! You will notice on the Republican side it is Trump and Carson leading! There are both non-politicians! America is fed up will career politicians! We have to be or we will not survive as a nation! We will cease to exist! American’s get it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Word Study
I like word studies of the Bible! We can trust our English or other Language Bible translations but a key word study by going back to the Greek(NT) or Hebrew(OT), will give a unique perspective on the word of God! These words are layered much like the earth’s crust is layered wth different kinds of rocks. We have to dig deep to find the Gold and Diamonds! God has spoken to us through His Word! We speak to God through prayer but God primarily speaks to us through His Word! God’s creative power and redemptive power is through His Word! The Holy Bible is the Word of God. God’s Image is expressed and manifested through His Word! There are approximately 700 scriptures alone just on the word-“word”! In our next Blog we will take one word out of one scripture and study it. Thankyou. James Sasse