The Main Event?

Uncle Joe is in his bunker basement trying to avoid all incoming fire from the media! He is secure and can hold out for the rest of the summer because of strategic planning on his part! At 77 he would be the oldest man to ever hold the Office of the President! Bernie Sanders thought it would be him but anything can happen at their ages! Joe has stock piled essential food stocks for the conflict! In his basement he has 24 cases of Ensure! He has 24 bottles of Metamucil! Just add water! He has 100 foil packages of stool softeners! Joe is ready to go! The main event for Joe is not the debates or the election! He has been patiently waiting 3 days now for the Main Event! But when? In the middle of a debate? In a media interview? In the middle of the night? One thing for sure it will come unexpectant like a Tsunami on some beach goers! I would suggest to Joe that they make a statue of him and place in front of his debate podium and he can debate Trump from his basement where he can navigate through the Main Event! James & Hamsa Sasse.

ObamaCare Trick or Treat?

What does the word Halloween mean? The word means a Holy person or Saint. It started as a Christian celebration of the departed Saints. It is followed up the next day called, “All Saints Day.” The problem is over time the event has moved from celebrating life to celebrating death! As Christians we celebrate life and not death! Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave for us! So we celebrate Jesus and not Satan who is the author of death. You have to keep the main thing the main thing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.