Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another! Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860
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Socialism & Lessons Never Learned!
Democrats & Criminals!
Democrats & Violence!
Dinosaurs & Aliens!
Zombies & Democrats!
Socialism & Marriage!
In late marriage alone lies the compulsion to retain an institution which, twist and turn as you like, is and remains a disgrace to humanity, an institution which is damned ill-suited to a being who with his usual modesty likes to regard himself as the ‘Image of God.’ Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Party Leader Nazi Germany. Commentary: God instituted marriage but the socialist war continues on marriage even here in America by the political left! What are some programs that have been in existence for decades costing ruined lives and billions in tax dollars! How about abortion? Over 60 million dead! The Democrats have institutionalized abortion paid by your tax dollars as a vehicle to have sex outside of marriage with no consequences to the man! It is a waiver of responsibility! As a consequence we have a missing generation of people who would have been contributors in work, paying taxes and then having future generations that are missing! We are missing athletes, inventors, artists, engineers, politicians, pilots, attorneys, food workers, doctors, military members and the list goes on! So abortion not only kills present generations but future generation! Tax revenue losses! One of the reasons Social Security is in trouble because fewer working people are paying into the system! Millions of missing people! Divorce is made easy! Back in the 1960’s the African American community had almost a wage earning Father in every home! Then President Johnson the Democrat socialist came along and sent a government pay check to every African American woman but she was only eligible as long s there was no father in the home! This tore the African American families apart and today very few families have a father in the home! Their leadership comes from the street with drug dealers as their hero’s! So authority has moved from the family to the State! The same holds true for public education! They council your children about sex changes and question to them about their sexual identity! If you challenge this social engineering then DEFAC’s steps in and removes your child from the home! So the question to you is do you want America to continue the Socialist agenda of the Democratic Party or is the plan God made for us as a marriage between a man and a woman more important to you? You will have to decide this November which way America will go! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Political Correctness & Cancel Culture!
The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver works to hide! Hannah Arendt Commentary: Happy Holidays! Obama calls us the Easter people! Political correctness has moved to a new stage now! It is called the cancel culture! Conservative speech is now cancelled off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter and other platforms! If they do it to the President of the United States who are you? So calling Christians another name to remove their identity through political correctness has not worked so the next stage has come! The ‘Me To’ movement, Facebook, Twitter is the all about me culture not about Christ! So what will be the next stage of persecution to the followers of Christ? Burning Bibles will not be enough for them! Jesus said count it all joy when they persecute you for my name! Remember they are not persecuting you but Christ! If you want the persecution to go away just deny Christ! Then you become a persecutor! Jesus said if you are ashamed of me my Father will be ashamed of you! We are not looking for persecution it just comes with the job of promoting Christ in the earth! All the disciples were martyred except John who was boiled in a pot of hot oil and then exiled to a slave labor camp on the Isle of Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you are in doubt your name is not there! Is your name identified with Christ in any way? Are you in church Sunday? Does his name come off your lips not as a cuss word but praise and honor to him? Honor Christ in the short life you have here on earth! None of us want to spend an eternity in hell with like people who made it all about me rather than all about him! Think about this? What if the Coronavirus is still with us and the world two years from today? All governments have collapsed and we now have a new world order! Will Christ be more important to you then? If he is not important to you today then when? Never? Forever? James and Hamsa Sasse.
Impeachment & Fake News!
Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda! Hannah Arendt
Socialism & Political Left!
My political sentiment is inclined toward the left and emphasizes the socialist aspects every bit as much as nationalistic ones! Adolph Eichmann, SS Nazi Leader and Organizer of the Holocaust. Comment: Socialism throughout history has always been on the political left! There is nothing wrong with loving your country as a Nationalist but the destructive part of Nazi Germany was socialism! Just as in Russia, Communist China, Iran, North Korea and the list goes on! What would be an example in the American left policies that remind us of the holocaust? Abortion! Nazi’s called themselves the National Socialist Party! You can put pro-nouns in front of socialism but it is still socialism! Examples are Democratic Socialism? Christian Socialism but buyer beware! Jesus said to help the poor and they will always be with you! However you take the money you have earned to help the poor you do not steal money from someone else to do that! That is socialism and our National debt puts us at the edge of bankruptcy because of these left policies! How you vote this November will determine the road we choose to go down! Prosperity or poverty! James & Hamsa Sasse,