Political Correctness & Cancel Culture!

The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver works to hide! Hannah Arendt Commentary: Happy Holidays! Obama calls us the Easter people! Political correctness has moved to a new stage now! It is called the cancel culture! Conservative speech is now cancelled off Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter and other platforms! If they do it to the President of the United States who are you? So calling Christians another name to remove their identity through political correctness has not worked so the next stage has come! The ‘Me To’ movement, Facebook, Twitter is the all about me culture not about Christ! So what will be the next stage of persecution to the followers of Christ? Burning Bibles will not be enough for them! Jesus said count it all joy when they persecute you for my name! Remember they are not persecuting you but Christ! If you want the persecution to go away just deny Christ! Then you become a persecutor! Jesus said if you are ashamed of me my Father will be ashamed of you! We are not looking for persecution it just comes with the job of promoting Christ in the earth! All the disciples were martyred except John who was boiled in a pot of hot oil and then exiled to a slave labor camp on the Isle of Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If you are in doubt your name is not there! Is your name identified with Christ in any way? Are you in church Sunday? Does his name come off your lips not as a cuss word but praise and honor to him? Honor Christ in the short life you have here on earth! None of us want to spend an eternity in hell with like people who made it all about me rather than all about him! Think about this? What if the Coronavirus is still with us and the world two years from today? All governments have collapsed and we now have a new world order! Will Christ be more important to you then? If he is not important to you today then when? Never? Forever? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Take a Knee!

Philippians 2:10 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow; of those in heaven, and of those in the earth; and those that are under the earth.” Franklin Graham

Is God a Racist? { Continued}

Revelation 14:6 “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation and kindred, and tongue and people.” Commentary: Interesting how God is inclusive and exclusive! He takes his love to all yet those that reject him exclude themselves from all the benefits on earth and in heaven! God has sent his evangelists from every nation through all generations to proclaim the Good News! Here in the Book of Revelation just before the 7 year Tribulation period in history and the 7 plagues released upon the earth in judgment God sends his Word to every creature on earth! An angel is a messenger with a message! The final warning goes out! The angels listed in Chapter fourteen are really preparing his people for Jesus second coming at the end of the tribulation! Preserved and saved from the coming plagues on earth! Who is more compassionate than God and his Christ? What a different world we would have today if man did not reject his Word! We would not have the Coronavirus! People like in China would not have eaten bats and other birds of prey as instructed to avoid in our Bible! What a different world if the inhabitants of earth would have let Christ take their judgment on the Cross! How simple! How easy! Yet man wants to do it his way! Judgment and death! It cost Christ everything to take your penalty for sin! When I feel physical or mental pain I think of the Cross! Then my pain goes away! All the plagues of mankind were taken and paid for on the Cross! Christ will stay the plagues in your life! No plagues will come nigh thee! The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! Believers in Christ have benefits that those who have rejected him do not have! Heaven starts here on earth for those in Christ! Heaven continues after earth for those in Christ! Those in Christ return to earth with him at his second coming! Hell not heaven begins on earth for those that reject Christ! Then hell continues for them after earth! Greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Black Baby Aborted Lives Matter!

A man got arrested for carrying a sign with this message on the sign? You see you have to be on the right side of political correctness otherwise you become a target! Will they arrest me for posting this blog? Free speech is evaporating fast here in America! About 38 percent of all abortions are done on African American women even though they only represent about 12 percent of our population! This is a over three times kill ratio! Since 1973 about 60 million abortions have been performed funded by your tax dollars! This means about 24 million black children have been aborted by our Democrats! The party of slavery is still the party of slavery! Where is the outrage? George Floyd is one guy but how about the 24 million? This is more death than all our war losses combined over history! Where is the church? In the State controlled church bowing to the tax exempt 501c status? Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Two thousand years later this truth still applies! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

German Christian Movement!

The German Christian movement made significant changes to German Protestantism to bring it in line with Nazi racial ideology. Instead of classifying people as Christians or Jews based on their faith, as the Protestants had always done, German Christians began to classify people by racial heritage, as the Nazis did. Therefore, Church leaders whose parents or grandparents had converted from Judaism to Christianity were considered Jewish, and according to the 1933 Civil Service law, were no longer permitted to serve in those positions. The church wanted to remove the Old Testament from their Bible because it was Hebrew! Source: Learn from History and Ourselves. Commentary: Can we learn from history? Only if we do not commit the same mistakes of the past! Let us fast forward 90 years to today and what is going on in America? Our Christian identity and our identity as Americans is being replaced by a racial identity! Like Black Lives Matter! Take a knee and disrespect our Flag! We are no longer Americans! Burn the churches and the Bibles! Tear down our statues that would remind us we are Americans! The same circumstances that prevailed in Nazi Germany present themselves and the challenges today! The political supporters of this movement are already in positions of power! Portland and Seattle are no longer considering themselves as part of America! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Chop zones! How will the American church respond as this movement grows and they elect a National leader to enforce their ideology? Hopefully better than the German church even though some church leaders gave their lives to oppose Hitler! How will you as a Christian respond? How will you respond in Christ? The church in America is going to be tested where ministry will not be about selling books and collecting money but will be a decision between life and death! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Duck Dynasty!

I’m more than ever of the opinion that a decent human existence is possible today only on the fringes of society, where one then runs the risk of starvation or being stoned to death! In these circumstances, a sense of humor will help! Hannah Arendt, A Jew fleeing Nazi Germany.

Is God a Racist?

Acts 17:26 “And hath made one blood of all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” Commentary: There are about 30 scriptures on this subject both in the Old and New Testaments! Of all these words in this verse what was the first word that got your attention? For me it was the word bounds, boundaries or borders. Sin and crime crosses social boundaries! Rape! Murder! Looting! Arson! Rioting! All the wars ever fought on planet earth was over borders! Your lips are the border of your soul! The words out of your mouth can bring blessings or cursing’s! Trying to remove boundaries is the cancel culture of the left that is bringing destruction in our streets! Tearing down statues, arson, riots and looting is disrespecting boundaries established under our Constitution for our protection! Private property is a boundary! High walls is a border! Marriage has a boundary of protection for families! Heaven has a border and so does hell. Our laws have boundaries! God gave Adam and Eve boundaries in the Garden of Eden! Satan deceived them into violating the boundaries with the sentence of death! Then they found themselves looking into the Garden from the outside banned from the Garden! We have two aircraft carrier groups in the South China Sea because China is violating boundaries! Socialism is about violating boundaries! Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven! That is a secure place with borders! We have a military to protect our borders! Policing is protecting boundaries! As a Christian I have boundaries! What I can and cannot do! They are established by the Laws of God or his Word as described in my Bible! I should love and not hate! Boundaries! Yet God hates sin! Boundaries! Our Constitution was given to us to protect boundaries of freedom! First and second amendments! My home is a boundary to protect my family! Homeless people have no boundaries! They are at risk! Drug use is a violation of boundaries! Abortion is a violation of boundaries! Jesus said to go out into all the world to preach the Gospel! Is this a violation of boundaries? No because he created the world and all that is in it! During this pandemic i think the Good News is even better! Read your Bible the only Good News you can find today! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

All Liberals Become Conservatives!

The most radical revolutionaries will become conservatives the day after the revolution! Hannah Arendt. Commentary: Hannah Arendt was the most renowned political scientist of the 20th Century! Her studies of socialism/communism systems led her to an important observation! Once the revolution is over and the bodies are buried those that have seized absolute power ask their surviving subjects to be model citizens not rebelling against law and order but to obey their new dictator not giving any trouble but being loyal subjects to their new master! No more looting, arson or riots because we have now seized power! If you do not comply we will take you to our internment camps for re-education or one of our communal farms for work! Your house and property goes to the State now so we will locate you to your new home! Essentially if you do not behave as a conservative like the ones we just overthrew you and your family could die or suffer great loss! The freedoms the liberals gave up are the bondages that has produced their new slavery! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Really Want Socialism?

The late Rudolph Rummel, the demographer of government mass murder, estimates the human toll of 20th Century Socialism to be about 61 million in the Soviet Union, 78 million in China and roughly 200 million worldwide! Yuri M. Maltsev November 2, 2017.