The Unhappy Clown!

Luke 1:50  Greek Translation: “And his mercy or the deliverance from the consequences of sin and the curse of sin are on them that are terrified of him from generation to generation.” Comment: Did you ever try to make people happy? It is a real challenge! They never have enough and whatever you give them is not enough and they just want more! Never satisfied! Mercy was born in the womb of a virgin some two thousand years ago! God has given us everything yet much of the world still rejects him! Why? They do not understand the value of giving! They have to receive this gift in order to have this gift! Since they have rejected the gift of mercy so they have nothing to give and are only left to take! No matter how many things they have and how hard they work to acquire more things they are never satisfied! The spiritual condition of man leads to the real poverty in the world! The Greek word for “fear” is a stronger word than reverence! It is Strong’s #5399. It means to be terrified! Why was this word used? Because to reject mercy means separation from God and condemned to Hell forever! When I was on my death bed as a young man I was terrified! I had given my life to Jesus about 2 weeks earlier to my death! When Jesus entered my room I have never experienced such love! Peace and joy I had never known! God is only a terror to those who reject him! He turns them over to Satan! Like King Herod! Then only judgment is left! My respect for Christ is because I know he alone holds my future now and throughout eternity! My forever! Forever with him! What love! Mercy was born into a lonely manger in Bethlehem to a virgin submitted to God! Will you submit and stop clowning around? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Disobey the Disobediant!

If I lived in a Communist country today where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I believe I would openly advocate disobeying these anti-religious laws! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: Karl Marx said the next step after socialism is communism! If Martin Luther King can see America today he would be dismayed! Gay marriage! Homosexuals celebrating in the streets using the rainbow colors God gave Noah to mock God! Promotion of lesbians, transgenders, sex change surgeries even to children, drug abuse, abortion, homelessness and legalization of laws forbidden by scriptures! School prayer removed, nativity scenes, Bibles forbidden, Crosses removed, Commandments removed from court houses and many Pastor’s refusing to take on the cultural war! Happy Holiday! My Bible says to resist the Devil and he will flee from you! The problem is the church has not done much resisting! Notice Martin Luther King said resist but do not resort to violence! So how do we resist! First with words! This is going to take work and sacrifice! God’s Kingdom is a sacrificial system! Only elect politicians that support your Biblical values! Elect leaders that will get rid of the lottery a tax on the poor! In the Kingdom of God one Christ sacrificed for all! In the world system all are sacrificed for one! They buy the lottery tickets and then cannot pay rent, food and clothes for their children and all suffer! Tell your employer that I cannot work on Sundays! It is the Sabbath day! I must honor God! If they resist tell them I will have to find another job! If my children cannot pray in school I will find another school for them! If you teach my children that homosexual activity is good and you ask my children if they need a sex change I will leave this school! I will home school if necessary! If you teach my children America is evil I will leave your school system! If my Pastor does not speak out about these evils from the pulpit I will find another church! The three Hebrew children told the King we would rather burn than turn from our God! America is still the best country on earth but to keep it that way we have an obligation to God to resist evil! Stay true to the Word of God! The Holy Scriptures! Your Bible! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Would Replace Christmas?

If you find examples of humanism which are anti-religious, or at least in opposition to the religious faith of the place and time, then such humanism is purely destructive, for it has never found anything to replace what it destroyed! T.S. Eliot (1888-1965), Poet, Essayist, Publisher, Playwright, Social Critic, Born to a prominent Boston Brahmin Family.

Old Saint Nick!

Grandpa Bernie and Joe just got medical clearances from their doctor’s that they are fit to be president! Now this is the real bribery case the Democrats need to look into! The medical profession in America has now lost it’s credibility! Joe and Bernie are pushing 80 years old! This is Nursing Home territory! Bernie had a heart attack about two weeks ago! Uncle Joe does not know where he is and who he is! This is healthy for Joe! He can count the hairs on his legs but that is about it! He sniffs women of all ages! While Vice President he swam naked in front of the female security guards! This is truly a war on women! The White House should not have to be a Nursing home! We should not have to have a funeral home director living there! Their competition for the nominee do not want to get down on them because if they should win they want to be their V.P. pick and know they would be President real soon! The Democratic candidates are stranger than fiction! Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate capable of winning yet the Democratic power structure including Hillary do not want her! Why? Hillary does not want any capable competition! They have to lower the bar for Hillary! Keep in mind Hillary could still become a nominee or a V.P. pick! If you are a D emocrat and have clear vision Trump is the man! Success breeds success! Failure breeds failure! A successful billionaire buisnessman takes his success to the White House and creates the most successful American economy in our history! Success for the American people! You really do not have a choice for 2020 you just have Trump! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evangelism & Christmas!

Luke 1:17 “And he (John the Baptist) shall go before him (Christ) in the spirit or breath of God and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers with their thoughts, reasonings, understanding, fear, love, joy and designs to the children, and the stubborn unbelieving disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”  Comment: The Christmas story is about Evangelism! John went ahead of Christ to prepare the people to receive Christ as Savior! This is also our job in the 21st Century! Sunday school teachers are preparing the way of the Lord! Pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets are preparing the way for you! Not just a way but the way! When we do our job well then decisions for Christ are made! It is team work! Everyone has to do their part! A song writer or singer is preparing the way! I as a young man I was not saved yet being in the Body of Christ preparing the way for me! If God would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children we would not have abortions today! There would be no divorce! Every family would have a father in the home! Every family would be in church on Sunday morning! However there are those who reject the way! The truth! Reject Christ! King Herod tried to have Jesus aborted at Bethlehem and failed yet he had John the Baptist beheaded! There will always be signs in our culture that some have rejected the way! Happy Holidays! Take those Crosses down! No nativity scenes allowed here! We will take you to court! We are like John preparing the way for others just as others have prepared the way for us! We need to be more persuasive to influence people to receive the way than those who try to influence others to reject the way! God can equip us to do this! Our Pastor Oscar Cope retired this month from 55 years of ministry! He has been my Pastor for the past three years. So what did he do for me over the past three years? He confirmed to me that I made the right decision in receiving Christ as my Savior forty five years ago! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa  Sasse.


History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance to daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity! Marcus Tillius Cicero ( 106-43 B.C.) Greek/Roman Statesman, Philosopher.  Comment: Marcus was beheaded in the war of competing Caesar’s for political power! We know here in America today what can happen in an unbridled quest for political power occurs! My Bible says the law is just if it is used justly! We can even hurt people using the Law! God gave us the law to show us we need a Savior! No one can keep the law! It is not to say his alliances were wrong they just got him assassinated! At the death of Marcus in 43 B.C. the incarnation of Christ was just around the corner in history! The same alliances of Roman political power opposed the birth of Christ and led to his crucifixion and persecution of his disciples! The persecution continues today! However the evil of men brought the righteousness of God to earth in the form of a man! History proves men evil and God good! This is why God had to send his only Begotten Son into the earth to be born in a manger at Bethlehem! To save the world from itself! Thoughts for Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Where Does The Star First Appear?

Numbers 24:17 “I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.  Comment: This is the first time the word “Star” appears in our Bible. Not the plural word “stars” which we find in Genesis describing Creation but a singular Star! A special Star! A unique Star with a purpose and destiny! A Star that would save some and destroy others! Wise men today still follow this Star! God is light! No darkness or shadow of turning with him! It does not matter where you live on this earth or your ethnic background you can still follow Jesus! You can follow the Light or reject the Light! Your destiny depends on what you do with the Light! King Balak of Moab tried to get the wise man Balaam from historical Babylon to curse Israel! Balaam tried but it took a donkey to convince him this was not possible! The Scepter shall rise out of Israel! That is a King! Jesus is referred to as King of the Jews! They posted this above his head on the Cross! King Herod the Edomite felt threatened by the Star! He wanted to be King of the Jews! He even rebuilt the Temple and called it Herod’s Temple! The wise men from Babylon knew of Daniel’s prophecies because the Jews along with Daniel were captive there for 70 years! However they did not know the prophecy of Micah predicting Bethlehem as Jesus birth place because it had not been given yet! God’s GPS was a single Star to a specific place to follow! They did not  need all the prophecies as you probably do not know you just need to follow the Star! Follow Jesus the Light of the world! He will guide you into paths of righteousness! The right choice leads to the right place! Today like Herod there are some that do not want to follow Jesus! They want to kill Jesus and his followers like Herod! Jesus will illuminate your soul with light! Truth! Peace! Joy! Everyone will either choose light or darkness! Like Jesus asked Peter who do you say I am? Who do you say he is? Where else can I go for Salvation? The Christmas story has implications on your life because it is true! Herod did not discount the scriptures as Balaam did not! What is at stake is the condition and position of your soul! When Balaam recognized his error he prophesized Numbers 24:17! When Herod recognized his error he tried to cover it up with the blood of the children of Bethlehem! Those that reject Christ and his atoning blood will try to cover their sin with the blood of others like Cain who slew his brother Abel the first murder on earth! Every ideology that rejects Christ will turn on Christ and his followers! It can be abortion! Socialism!, Communism! Fascism! Nazism, Darwin! Islam! Atheism! The list goes on and on! With Christ living inside of us we have the benefits of Heaven while still living on earth! Jesus has gone back to Heaven to prepare a place for us! All the rest of the benefits await us in future time! Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder where you are? Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.