The Unhappy Clown!

Luke 1:50  Greek Translation: “And his mercy or the deliverance from the consequences of sin and the curse of sin are on them that are terrified of him from generation to generation.” Comment: Did you ever try to make people happy? It is a real challenge! They never have enough and whatever you give them is not enough and they just want more! Never satisfied! Mercy was born in the womb of a virgin some two thousand years ago! God has given us everything yet much of the world still rejects him! Why? They do not understand the value of giving! They have to receive this gift in order to have this gift! Since they have rejected the gift of mercy so they have nothing to give and are only left to take! No matter how many things they have and how hard they work to acquire more things they are never satisfied! The spiritual condition of man leads to the real poverty in the world! The Greek word for “fear” is a stronger word than reverence! It is Strong’s #5399. It means to be terrified! Why was this word used? Because to reject mercy means separation from God and condemned to Hell forever! When I was on my death bed as a young man I was terrified! I had given my life to Jesus about 2 weeks earlier to my death! When Jesus entered my room I have never experienced such love! Peace and joy I had never known! God is only a terror to those who reject him! He turns them over to Satan! Like King Herod! Then only judgment is left! My respect for Christ is because I know he alone holds my future now and throughout eternity! My forever! Forever with him! What love! Mercy was born into a lonely manger in Bethlehem to a virgin submitted to God! Will you submit and stop clowning around? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Discontented Wife

I took my wife to Paris,London,Rome,Delhi,Moscow,Hong Kong,Manila,Bangkok,Singapore,Sidney,Tokyo,New York,Seoul,Madrid,Stockholm,Athens,Warsaw,Peking, Jerusalem and Cairo. We returned from Amsterdam late last night. This morning my wife asked me if I could take her to a place where she has never been before? I took her to the kitchen!