Scientist are baffled! Why! They will have to make adjustments for our navigation systems or they will be in error! The pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia! Will Santa Claus have to move? If Santa thought the North pole winters were bad wait until he gets to Siberia! A polar shift is predicted and prophetic and it is in your Bibles! Both the Old and the New Testaments! The core of the earth is hot molten iron ore that gives us our magnetic field around the earth from the North and South poles! The movement of this magnetic field means the molten core of the earth is separating from the crust or outer layer of the earth! But what happens if the earth’s crust separates to the point that the earth’s crust shifts position significantly in relation to the magnetic field? If the crust would crack and break up then the hot lava would flow to the surface and set everything on fire! Like when the judgment seals are broken in the Book of Revelation! The sun would not be in it’s course in relation to the earth and then no one would be able to tell the time or what day and month it is! Is this what Jesus meant when he said no one would know the day or hour of my return? Do not cancel your life insurance policy yet! Some scientists and theologians believe that the earth’s tilt on it’s axis of 23 degrees happened at the Flood in the Day’s of Noah! Before the flood the north south vertical axis was perpendicular to the equator or horizontal axis! During the pre-flood the earth was watered from a midst from the earth and not the sky! At this time the earth temperatures would have been even across all longitudes! There would have been no seasons with storms, floods, earthquakes, ect. It would have been a paradise! After the flood then the earth was watered from the sky and then we got the rainbow as a promise from God! Jesus said that near his second coming it will be as in the days of Noah! Is the earth going to shift back to perpendicular between the North/South East/West axis? If the scientist would read the Bible they would understand these things! No surprises if you read and believe your Bible! The real case of global warming is when God destroys the earth with fire! That fire is under your feet in the core of the earth! If you have rejected Jesus Christ as your Savior then well go ahead and cancel your life insurance policy! It will do you no good! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Month: January 2019
Hot Feet! Revelation 1:15
“And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.” Comment: This title hot feet is not a description of the local prostitute and the men who follow her! This is a partial description of Jesus given to us by the Apostle John while exiled on the Greek island of Patmos writing the Book of Revelation! Many more descriptions are given here in Chapter one and in the rest of the Book. Is this description just symbolic or literal? Jesus is the real thing not Coke! It is literal because he is literal! Real! Remember in the Old Testament Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The King got mad and threw them into the fiery furnace! Who was the fourth man in the furnace that saved them? Jesus Christ! Some people use his name as a curse word but only by his name can you be saved! Saved from the fires of hell! A fireman cannot go into a burning building wearing shower clogs! If you had rescued as many people as Jesus has from hell your feet would be ashes! Remember at the Crucifixion Jesus descended into the heart of the earth to preach to the captives! Heat turns humans into ashes like in cremation! Jesus is more than human! He is God! What about his voice as the sound of many waters? Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? The sound of the crashing waves on the rocks below is deafening! You really need ear plugs or you will get hearing losses! The power of the waters and the sound is astonishing! Jesus walked on the stormy waters when everyone else was drowning! Jesus voice drowns out every other voice! The reason one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord is because his voice stands out above the mortals of this earth! His authority and power cannot be denied by any human! The Book of Revelation presents powerful images of Christ and when we see him as he is we understand why he is our only hope in this fallen world! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Blind Sided? Revelation 2:5
What does repent really mean? Jesus asked the church at Ephesus to repent! In fact Jesus asked five of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation to repent! These are saved people! The blind side of sin is it can only look back and not forward! Sin is a Spirit that causes an evil action! It is listening to a voice in your head that opposes the Word of God! True repentance is not just regret for getting caught but a change of heart towards God! Recognizing we have a future beyond our sin and outside of ourselves! God does not overlook our sin he paid a price on the Cross for it! Sin is defeated understanding our forgiven past and promised future! That is why we must forgive others! Repentance is more than the regrets for sin but a willful choice to abandon the sin that led to the regrets! It is more than just sorry! Looking forward to the promises of God and not looking back! To live only for today will lead to sin! To live for tomorrow today is visionary and looks from God’s perspective into eternity! To fly blind is to not take God at his Word! Suicides are all about taking sin on all by yourself! That is what Judas did! Years ago we were trying to help this lady who told us I know God has forgiven me but I cannot forgive myself? We shared with her that then you are making yourself greater than God! Sin is about making yourself greater than God! Satan’s suicide plan for your life is defeated by putting God in his proper place in your life! Even some religious people can move God to the side lines of their lives but then will get blind sided to sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Diamond in the Rough! Revelation 2:17
“He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” Comment: Manna is bread from heaven! God fed the Jews this food on their journey through the wilderness! Jesus is the bread of life! The word Bethlehem means the House of Bread! God hides and stores up blessings for his own! The purest white stone is a diamond! The diamond reflects more light than any other stone! Jesus is the light of the world! He reflects the character of the Father! We are to reflect the light of Christ! The white gemstones are the modern birthstones for the month of April both in western and for the Hindu calendar! So what goes on in April? Easter! The only reason an object looks white is because it reflects more of the wavelength of the light spectrum! We are to reflect the light of God in our character! This has nothing to do with race or the color of our skin! As for our character we should when we look in a mirror see God! We were created in the image of God! When God looks in a mirror he should see you! What is meant by the words “New Name?” This word means new in quality! Jesus said we must be born again! Old things to be passed away all things new! You can never fix the old man! He must die! The word name means to describe the character of a person! The new name represents the character of the person named after the new name! The character of Christ! Whether good or evil our character represents who we follow! God or Satan! Without Christ any nation or cultural will move into darkness! This is what is happening to America! The popular cultural is at war with two colors now! Red and White! Why? These two colors are in our American flag! Why would they disrespect our flag? It is the colors! Red representing the blood of Christ or Salvation and white representing purity or the forgiveness of sin! This cultural war is a war on God and His Christ! The enemy will make every effort to get you to deny Christ! Never! Our future is with Christ forever and this short life here on earth is a test of your faith! In Islam at Mecca they worship a black stone! Darkness! We as Christians worship the light of the world Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tribulation with Purpose! Revelation 1:9
“I John, who am also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Comment: When you are in Jesus Christ no amount of suffering is wasted! In fact it leads to a promotion if you go through it with patience. Do not curse your enemies love them! In the natural John being exiled to a slave labor camp on a remote Greek island did not look promising! Working in a stone quarry on a rock pile did not look like a promotion! John’s faith in Christ lead him to his destiny! When we accept Christ we let him determine the path he has for us! We just follow him! He is always with us! Little Caesar did not know this was the best thing he could have done for John! No distractions in prison! No parties to disturb your library hours of writing his Book of Revelation! No loud music! The crack of a whip once and a while but quiet like a hospital zone! John in the late night writing under a candle light with quill and pen plotting the plan God had for his church! Writing in love to the seven churches who were praying for him and communicating to him of their love for him! John predicted the future of history of the world and God’s plan with precision! Out of love he endured with patience the suffering set before him! Most ministries today present a ten point plan how to get out of suffering? In fact if you suffer you must lack faith? Nothing could be further from the truth! I found Christ in the center of my suffering! So did the singer Lauren Daigle as explained in a previous post. Sufferings will come to all but when you are there look for Christ! You will have a companion forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Practicing Humility
1. Speak as little as possible about yourself. 2. Mind your own business. 3. Do not manage other people’s affairs. 4. Avoid curiosity. 5. Accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. 6. Pass over mistakes of others. 7. Accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. 8. Be kind and gentle even under provocation. 9. Never stand on your own dignity. 10. Choose always the hardest people. Mother Teresa
Our French-American Girl!
She was born in the State of Louisiana! It was a French settlement in early America. Her mother used to call their home the “Music Box!” She was singing all the time! She never considered singing and music as a career until something tragic came along in her life! As a teenager she contacted a virus called infectious mononucleosis! She had to drop out of school for two years! Her throat swelled up to the point of not being able to eat or breathe! No more singing! Death was becoming her friend! Since 2015 she has topped the Christian Music Awards here in America! She has taken the Billboard Music, American Music, GMA Dove and Grammy Awards every year since 2015! I listened to one of her songs, “You Say”, on YouTube with over 53 million viewers! The little French girl Lauren Daigle today has a net worth of over 7 million dollars! If you listen to her testimony you will learn something very fascinating about her! She said the best thing that ever happened to me was my illness! Why? It caused me to lose the gift God has given me and to recognize the value of this gift he has given me! Otherwise I would have gone a different direction in my life! This revelation is worth more than all the money she will ever earn in her life! They say the greatest deposit of God’s gifts given to man are in the cemetery! Sin is all about rejecting the God who has given us gifts including his only Son Jesus Christ! I want to close by giving you a portion of her song titled “You Say.” “You say I am loved when I cannot feel a thing, You say I am strong when I think I am weak, You say I am held when I am falling short, When I don’t belong, Oh You say I am Yours, And I believe, Oh I believe, Oh I believe, I believe.”
Blood Moon! January 2019
We are going to have a full lunar eclipse this month! A total lunar eclipse happens once every 2.5 years. However you can have 3 full lunar eclipses in one year but that only happens every 200 years! There was an eclipse on April 3, 33 A.D. at Jesus crucifixion! There was also an earthquake and an atmospheric darkness that covered the land for 3 hours! History has recorded these events and it is confirmed by science! The blood moon is mentioned in many places in our Bible in both the Old and New Testaments! Why? It is a warning to those who are not saved and a promise to those who are saved! The red color represents blood! The blood of Christ and the blood of men! Man’s blood condemns because of sin! Man’s blood continues to be shed in wars continuing with each new generation with no redemptive work! Man cannot fix his own sin! It takes a God outside of himself! His creator! Man’s blood brings judgment but God’s blood brings salvation! So when you look up and see the red color of the moon or the red sunrise or sunset God is reminding his creation that only his blood through his Son Jesus Christ has a redemptive work! Peace can only come to man when the Prince of Peace resides in the hearts of men! Christ ends man’s war with God and war with men against men! The signs in the heavens by the sun, moon and stars will continue to remind men of their need for the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Pope on Socialism!
Socialism promotes envy between classes! “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” The transfer of property to community property is against nature and justice. Socialism hurts the working man first and foremost! A person has the right to improve his social condition through labor. His social condition should not be taken away from him. Socialism perceives children belong to the State. Chiefly, and that the State has the prior right over the father of the child with regards to guardianship, education and labor. This the Pope condemns! Socialism must be utterly rejected! Socialism leads to a “condition of misery and degradation.” The Pope recognizes that not every human has equal aptitude in their life for wage earning. Labor is good and not evil. Socialism wrongly presumes that work is always an exploitation of one class over another class. Those who have private property should share it with those in need. Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903) Comment: If Europe would have heeded this Pope’s advice on socialism Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler would have never happened along with WWII and 70 million dead! But history has shown us that man rejects God’s Word our Holy Scriptures and the atheistic socialism marches on into the next generation! Our American liberal left has been promoting the same disaster ignoring the history of socialism! We can only have a better new year by not repeating the mistakes of history but promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.
December Best Month of 2018
Happy New Year! Why should the beginning of each New Year be a Happy one? Because my Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! December closed out as our best month for 2018 blog and web site traffic! So here are the numbers: Blog traffic; 15562 visitors. Web Site Traffic; 6382 visitors, First Time visitors, 1742. Top 5 Country Traffic; USA, France, South Korea, Italy and Canada. Top Language HTML Page; Marathi Top Language MP3 Download; Tamil Thankyou for prayers and support for 2018! Remember you can download or print any material on our blog and web site and distribute freely to reach others with the Gospel! We have a disclaimer on home page as none of our material has copyright claims! Many have given us external links to our material on their web sites! This multiplies our outreach! James & Hamsa Sasse.