Surah 9:5 “Fight and slay the pagans (Christians, Jews and non-Muslims), wherever you find them and seize them and confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush.” Comment: Ignorance is bliss except when it comes to Islam! We have 1400 years of war as historical evidence! Let us not forget our more recent examples of Islam and pray for the families that lost loved ones and pray for our leaders that they not forget history and the lessons we should have learned from it! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: pagans
Purpose! Psalm 1
Virtues without faith are leaves, flourishing in appearance, but unproductive. How many pagans have mercy and sobriety but no fruit, because they do not attain their purpose! The leaves speedily fall at the wind’s breath. Some Jews exhibit purity of life and much diligence and love of study, but bear no fruit and live like leaves. Saint Abrose of Milan ( 340-397 A.D.) Comment: Remember what Jesus did to the tree that produced no fruit? Jesus being a Jew cautioned the religious Jews that their efforts produced no fruit outside of me! After coming to Christ fruit began to grow in my life! Fruit from deep roots in Christ! True purpose can only be found in the one outside of yourself! When He moves inside of you a harvest comes in your life you could never achieve by yourself! I find many people would rather trust themselves than the God who gave them life! The sooner you abandon self-worship the sooner you find God’s purpose for your life! There is nothing more fulfilling than this! It has eternal consequences here on earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.