Columbus the Evangelist! Mark 16:15

Extract Portion of Christopher Columbus Journal. (1492) “Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians, and Princesses who love and promote the Holy Christian Faith, and are enemies of the Doctrine of Mohammad, and all idolaters and heresy, determined to send Christopher Columbus, to the above mentioned countries of India, to see the said Princes, people and territories, and learn their disposition, and the proper method of converting them to our Holy Faith!”

By Faith!

For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not use intelligence, mathematics or maps! Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: If not for the fact that he preceded Plymouth Rock by over 100 years and 300 years prior to our first 4th of July celebration I would have assumed Christopher was born in Washington D.C,! There were no maps of the new world and he bumped into North America on his way to the Indies! If you read some of his journals of his voyages he was an evangelist and God had him on a journey to find a land and nation that would support and protect the Jews and promote the Gospel around the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Muslim or Mormon for President?

Which one do you want?Would you rather be Muslim mad or Mormon mad? Just a joke here but I cannot help myself! Another Joke; Muslim mad is to blow yourself up and get 70 virgins! Mormon mad is to marry and add another woman to your wives list! Obama will never blow himself up and Romney is faithful to his wife! Evangelist Billy Graham encouraged Americans to vote Biblical Values! I agree! Mr. Graham went on to say that these values include three impotant points. 1. Protect sactity of life. 2. Protect definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. 3. Support the Nation of Israel. Unquote. When I apply these 3 principles to the candidates running for president of the United States I am left with only one choice! Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Thankyou. James Sasse.