Was 2020 Election Stolen?

Breaking news today shows through cell phone technology that the drop boxes in five states registered cell phone pings from the geographic locations of these drop boxes that the average was one person visited the same drop box 38 times! The same people also drove or road in vehicles to the nearest Democrat organizations within the same area. Then they repeated trips from there back to the same drop boxes. The same fraud will occur in 2022 unless the State governor’s change these fraudulent systems such as drop boxes removing them so people must go to their polling places where identification is required to prove who you are and can only vote once! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Election Status?

So where are we in regards to our presidential election? We are at half time in the Super Bowl! Between election re-counts, election fraud with mail in ballots and court challenges all the way to the Supreme Court if we have a president elect by Christmas we will be doing well! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


In the military we call this a ‘Self Inflicted Wound.’ A coward who wants to get out of the military shoots himself in the foot! This is what the Democrats are doing to themselves! The normal way a legal conclusion is reached is you gather evidence and make a conclusion based upon evidence! They have reversed the process! They concluded Trump committed collusion  with the Russians in the 2016 elections and have been on a two year search of evidence to try to prove their theory! They are searching every barn yard and hen house across America! They cannot accept the will of the American people and still searching for an excuse as to why Hillary lost! The American people are sick of this and will vent their frustrations at the polls in 2020 towards the Democrats! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Election or Predestination

Psalm 69:28 Comment: In the doctrine of predestination it is believed that God out of love for his only son before creation of the world and man gave a love gift to his son! The gift was to redeem future men that would love him and serve him forever! Notice that this gift was not based on the goodness of men but is based on the love of God! It has nothing to do with our merit! For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! I agree with this part of the doctrine of election! However the part I have a problem with is the idea that God picks certain rotten apples out of the barrel of humanity and let’s the others go? That is God decides which ones he will save! If this were true then why did God give us 23 scriptures in the Old and New Testament warning us to be careful that our names not be blotted out of the Book of Life? David expresses the thought and prayer that God would blot the names of the wicked out of the Book of Life! Also this is expressed in the Book of Revelation and other places in your Bible! If this part of predestination were true that just a select few names were there then their names would never be blotted out and the warning is unnecessary! I believe that every human ever born or ever will be born is listed in the Book of Life! Even those ten’s of millions of babies who have been aborted! What get’s your name blotted out is to reject Jesus Christ. Remember Christ warned Judas it would have better for you that you had never been born! Why! Babies like the aborted have no opportunity to reject Christ! However the murderer’s of the aborted have had their names blotted out! Your name is written down in Glory however  Hitler got his name blotted out! Why? Because he embraced the atheist doctrine of Charles Darwin and rejected Christ! Can I have it both ways? No the scriptures say you will love the one and hate the other! You are going to have  to make a decision about Christ! Like every man that has lived before you or after you! Do not delay for your default setting is Hell! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Russia Interference?

The Democrats won the House! Surely the Russians interfered with our mid-term elections to get this kind of result! Bob Mueller or another special council must begin investigations immediately! Never mind he has spent 17 million dollars of our tax money on current investigation but let us spend more money since the Democrats believe Russia was responsible for Trump’s win! They must be responsible for the Democrat’s win too! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com