Duck Dynasty!

I’m more than ever of the opinion that a decent human existence is possible today only on the fringes of society, where one then runs the risk of starvation or being stoned to death! In these circumstances, a sense of humor will help! Hannah Arendt, A Jew fleeing Nazi Germany.

Lame Duck Excuses!

Eighty percent of the eligible voters stayed home in the 9th Congressional district that covers part of Queens and the Bronx of New York City! So big deal says your average Christian? Well Ocasio-Cortez got elected! New Yorkers have already paid a big price and good-bye to those twenty five thousand high paying jobs with Amazon! However this will not be the end of it because the Democratic Party has lost it’s way and she is not even challenged by the few reasonable one’s that are left! It really puzzles me when I hear Christian’s say I do not want to get involved in politics? We are commanded to submit to government authority! So do we want to submit to someone who we did not elect that opposes our values? This is an abdication of our responsibilities! What about Isaiah 9:6? An important part of this verse says the government shall be on his shoulders! That is this child, this son, this gift will be in charge of government! What made America great was her willingness to let Christ and his principles be the foundation of our nation! This foundation is being chipped away everyday by those that oppose Christ! If we neglect so great a salvation and the foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? Submit to the authority of the wicked one! Do not blame God when you feel you are living in Babylon! You chose to live there! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Subjective Morality? Exodus 20:1-17

This is what the atheists in America are proclaiming! That is if man is just left to himself he will do good things! The historical evidence debunkes the left ideology! More people were killed by war in the 20th Century than the previous 19 Centuries! What happened to the evolutionary model? Getting better? We did not get off to a good start in the 21st Century with 9-11? America has been at war ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and North Africa! God has Commanded us in the 4th Commandment not to murder! What about the millions of babies killed here in America through abortion! This supports the statement made by Ben Shapiro that the political left breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments! You remember Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty? He has a new show now! He went to the Governor of Nebraska and ask him to proclaim to the State of the people to just try to keep just two of the Commandments for just one year and see if things are better? The two are thou shall not murder and thou shall not steal. We have the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall of our living room! If every family in America would do this and the children would be reminded of them daily we would have a very different America! At first they would be objective but later would move into our hearts and change us! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! That is to love God and love man! James and Hamsa Sasse.