Deadly Plagues!

Proverbs 14:12 Hebrew Translation. Words Translated back to English; Way, Strong’s #1870. Right, Strong’s# 3477. Death, Strong’s # 4194. Hebrew Translation: “There is a [way] or a journey where you walk. A pathway you follow representing your character and actions that seemeth [right] agreeing with the world but opposing God unto men; but the end thereof are the ways of a [deadly] pestilence or plague leading to destruction.” Commentary: Why does not one pastor across America call for a national repentance? Stranger than fiction? I can conclude only one thing! They are more afraid of men than they are of God! It is also about money! Keep writing the books and raking in the money! Fear that congregation members will flee if you tell them the truth! Sad day for America! Repentance begins in the House of God! When the people of America soon realize all their hopes have been dashed by politicians and the clergy they will bow their knee’s to the living God and a sea change will come to America! A real revival! Kim Clements one of the greatest prophets of the 20th and 21st Centuries prophesized trump would come to be president back in 2007 also prophesized in 2013 in his vision of America that he saw millions in the streets on their knee’s lifting up their hands to the God Of Heaven! Kim was not shown the circumstances except it had to be a severe catastrophic event! Kim also prophesized in 2013 that Trump would be re-elected but he did not say consecutive terms! This is why the Democrats and some Republicans are working to impeach him even though he is no longer in office! Then he could never run in 2024! Remember the words of Kim in 2013? Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! But they will fail! Sometimes God will change our circumstances to get us back to him! Like sheep we have all gone astray! If you miss God in this life you miss everything! Jesus prophesized in Matthew Chapter 24 that one of the many signs of his second coming would be plagues or pestilences! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Political Correctness Strikes Again!

This time in London! British Prime Minister Theresa May told the people of England that this was an evil ideology that attacked us! She did not have the moral courage to explain what the ideology is? She is no Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher! Where did these terrorists get their idea? Did they snatch it out of the thin air? It would be like after the city of London suffered from a night time bombing raid and Winston Churchill getting up the next day and announcing to the British people that they were attacked by a evil ideology! Sorry folks but we cannot mention the word Nazi or Hitler! We cannot mention Mohammad or Islam or Muslims? The Quran certainly had nothing to do with this? We cannot have a Muslim travel ban because people must be dying in our streets for another reason? Is it the weather? If our political leaders cannot identify the problem and the Church is deadly silent then this will continue! This war is no longer in a distant land but has come to our streets! I am thankful President Donald Trump has the moral courage to name our enemies as Islamic Terrorists! Sin is about hiding the truth and it all started in the Garden of Eden! We have to shine the “Light”, on the darkness but we have to identify the darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.