Stock Food! Public Service Bulletin!

There are going to be diesel fuel shortages this summer as reported by news agencies for this summer! All your commodities whether groceries or everything else is delivered by truck powered by diesel fuel! Five refineries have shut down since Biden has taken office! Your Transportation secretary Mayor Pete says the answer is for you to ride a bicycle! Meanwhile China and India are buying discounted oil from Russia! Thanks Uncle Joe! They are funding the war in the Ukraine! Suggest you might want to consider buying non-perishable food stocks or some canned goods if or when the grocery stores in your area begin to run out of food! Like Joseph in your Bible stored up in the good years for the lean years to come! The political ramifications of the current administration is felt by every American whether prices for everything like gas or shortages like baby formula! When you elect dummies in the White House you get dummy results! Trump just seems better and better as time goes on! Did you not love his two dollar a gallon gas for those four years? Fasten your seat belt for the Biden administration has enough time left to crash our entire economy! It was so funny in our family prayer part of my wife’s prayer was: “Jesus protect us from the Biden Administration.” We are instructed to pray for our leaders but God did not say how to pray for our leaders! So she may get a pass on this one! The Holy Spirit may be leading her to pray for our protection from the devil! Anyway I prayed in agreement with her! There are two Kingdoms in this earth! God and Satan! Everyone living on earth is in one part or the other! We have to live in both worlds so our prayers as Jesus prayer taught us said: Deliver us from evil! Overcome evil with good! Stock up your shelves for the shortages that will come under this administration! Then try to figure out if you vote the wrong people into political power over you there are consequences! Don’t plant your wild oats or weeds your sin and then pray for a crop failure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

It is All in the Game! 501c

The Democrat installed 501c tax exempt status given to non-profits allows them to collect money tax free! It sounds good but to take this exemption you the Pastor must give up your right to petition the government for grievances which is a Constitutional right! You must give up your right to endorse a political candidate during an election! Your voice is muted! Any election local, state or federal you must be mute! Handicapped! You give up your first amendment rights of free speech sacrificed for money! Because the church would not take up debate on our last presidential election Biden got in instead of Trump! Now the church or non-profits are collecting money for the Ukraine war victims when under a Trump the Ukraine war would not have happened! Understand I have less money to give to charitable organizations with high inflation and 4-5-6 and 7 dollars a gallon gasoline! My gas bill in my van was 600 dollars last month! My house insurance increased from $1000. per year to 1600. dollars per year because of replacement costs because of high priced building materials! Millions flooding across our southern border swamping local communities with costs financial and safety of their communities! Now our president says food shortages are coming! Why? His incompetence! Build back better is not happening! Tear down better is happening with the Biden administration! None of this would of happened or did happen under Trump! Pastor’s in America can no longer hide under the 501c if America is going to survive as a nation! Even though Trump gave them an exemption from the part of the 501c banning political endorsements they played it safe and we now are all in peril! If this next 3 years under Biden is not a lesson to them then they will never learn! Will we survive? I do not know but look up to Christ for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Putin! Oil! Gas! Wheat! Inflation! Revelation 6:6

“A measure of wheat for a penny.” Commentary: A penny represents a day’s wages for one man enough for one meal of wheat bread, or three meals of barley. Nothing is left for anyone else. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest suppliers of wheat Russia being the largest exporter of wheat. Together with Ukraine they account for 25 percent of total wheat global exports! So since America has cut off her own oil and gas and relies on foreign imports of oil and gas Putin realizes that to seize food supplies and energy supplies he can hold hostage Europe to his political demands! Putin is smart Biden a dummy! He is watching our current political leaders put a knife to their own throats while most of the oil reserves are under America’s own feet! Trump had 2 bucks per gallon oil for us and Biden 7 bucks and even higher prices per gallon coming to America! The Green New Deal is going to cost the middle class American population a lot of green! The energy czars are pushing us off the cliff! Did you know all the planets in our universe are heating up? How many motor vehicles on Mars? Crazy times as the gods of Darwinism bankrupt the nations! Go Brandon Go! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Practicing Catholics!

The Democrats are setting themselves up for a massive political failure! They have opened our borders to illegal immigrants with the hope they can legalize them and then they will vote Democrat when they flood the red states with millions of illegals! Then the Democrats hope to stay in power forever! The problem is these immigrants from South and Central America thanks to Christopher Columbus are practicing Catholics not a Joe Biden Catholic with no morality! They by their faith hate abortion and the policies they are implementing opposing their faith in God! Christopher Columbus as the left destroys his statues across America will get the last laugh as millions of these Catholics will vote Republican! Joe you have made another screw up! At least you are consistent! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Biden & Islam Surah 22:58 57:19

Surah 22:58 “And those who emigrated for the cause of Allah and were killed or died-Allah surely will provide for them a good provision, and indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers.” Surah 57:19 “And those who have believed in Allah and his messengers-those [in the ranks of] truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For then is their reward and their light. But those who have disbelieved and denied Our verses-they are the companies of Hellfire.” Commentary: These are some sample verses out of the Quran and there are many more but it is clear the only way to heaven for a Muslim is Martyrdom! So why would Biden promote a religion of death to be taught to our children in public schools? This was his campaign promise! They threw Christ out who died for us or God dies for us and then to teach our children they must die for God? Cruel and treacherous to promote death over life! Ignorance is Bliss and for Biden every ignorance brings our nation to the brink of destruction! God died for us and sin so our purpose is to love God and man being thankful for God’s sacrifice made for us! We do not sacrifice others for our God but share his love for others that what God has done for us is the ultimate expression of his love! This is what our children in our public schools need to hear! They need to hear the truth not the lie of Satan! James & Hamsa Sasse.