Putin! Oil! Gas! Wheat! Inflation! Revelation 6:6

“A measure of wheat for a penny.” Commentary: A penny represents a day’s wages for one man enough for one meal of wheat bread, or three meals of barley. Nothing is left for anyone else. Ukraine is one of the world’s largest suppliers of wheat Russia being the largest exporter of wheat. Together with Ukraine they account for 25 percent of total wheat global exports! So since America has cut off her own oil and gas and relies on foreign imports of oil and gas Putin realizes that to seize food supplies and energy supplies he can hold hostage Europe to his political demands! Putin is smart Biden a dummy! He is watching our current political leaders put a knife to their own throats while most of the oil reserves are under America’s own feet! Trump had 2 bucks per gallon oil for us and Biden 7 bucks and even higher prices per gallon coming to America! The Green New Deal is going to cost the middle class American population a lot of green! The energy czars are pushing us off the cliff! Did you know all the planets in our universe are heating up? How many motor vehicles on Mars? Crazy times as the gods of Darwinism bankrupt the nations! Go Brandon Go! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

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