Biblical or Propaganda?

The person who imagined that he could not be the victim of propaganda because he could distinguish truth from falsehood, is extremely susceptible to propaganda, because when propaganda does tell the truth, he is convinced it is no longer propaganda: moreover, his self-confidence makes him all the more vulnerable to attacks which he is unaware! Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), French Philosopher, Socialist and Theologian. Comment: In our world of fake news, virtue signaling and identity politics there is only one weapon that will work against these attacks! Your Bible! Read it daily! Study it! Memorize it! Your Bible is a truth detector! It is a lie detector! It will expose lies in my own life and in yours! Lies that are promoted by academia, religion, Hollywood, social media, government and news media! You can believe your Bible but that is about it! Right now a Finnish politician is under a hate crimes investigation because she posted a Bible verse on her Facebook account! Persecution of the Christian has come and throughout history because we follow Christ and stand by our Bible! Paul said we are to count it all joy when we are persecuted for righteousness sake! The biggest lie is made that your Bible is not true! The Bible is hated because it exposes our sin! Then they have to accept it and repent or reject it and die in their sin! Our lives are either built on truth or a lie! The remedy for sin is also in your Bible! Hitler burned thousands of Bibles then millions of people and he himself burned by the fire! The medicine you take by reading and believing your Bible will save you from the poison of the world! Live for Christ and serve your fellow man with the love of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science & Faith!

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind! Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Physicist. Comment: God created the sciences! Science supports creation the Biblical model! Everything we see, hear and touch is the result of a creative God! Science confirms the scriptures and the scriptures proclaim the sciences! Both support each other because they have the same foundation! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Biblical Socialism?

Scriptures: Matthew 6:2-4, 19:21, Luke 3:11, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 4:32-35, Ephesians 4:28, 2 Corinthians 8:13-15, Galatians 6:2: 2 Thessalonians 3:10. Comment: When you look at all these scriptures in your Bible you will discover that Biblical socialism is not Political socialism! Socialism in the Bible is not mandated but is a voluntary act of mercy! Our tithe is mandated to support the local church but offerings and alms is voluntary! Jesus asked the rich man to sell all he had to give to the poor! Notice Jesus did not tell him to rob from someone else and give to the poor! The rich man would not do it and walked away because he trusted in his riches more than God! We are to give what we have to help the poor but are not to steal from someone else to give to the poor! That is political socialism! The disciples in Acts shared what they had in common! That is what they had they shared! No Robin Hood’s in the Kingdom of God stealing from the rich to give to the poor! Robin Hood was a thief! Giving voluntarily is not mandated theft of property by a government! Paul said if you do not work you do not eat! God established the work ethic! Taking something from me mandated by law is still theft! It violates one of our 10 Commandments! Thou shall not covet! When someone works hard and is smart and makes millions of dollars should I a lazy ass who does not work have a right to their stuff? No! We pay our income tax so the government protects us from invading armies such on our southern border! To share what we have is to recognize our Blessings from God! If we do not believe our resources come from God we will not share them and claim them for ourselves! That is what happened to the rich man Jesus tried to persuade to change his ways! Political socialism is the most destructive ideology invented by man! We do not want America to become another Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea or Russia! Democratic socialism is still socialism! Democratic crap is still crap! The riots in France have everything to do with Political socialism! The one world government with no borders predicted to come in your Bible led by the Anti-Christ will only last seven years before it’s complete destruction! We need to learn from the past and learn from the future! God’s Kingdom is voluntary! A democracy is about choices! I decide and you decide who we will follow! But to follow the ideology of the socialism leads us down the path of destruction and recovery would be very painful and could be impossible! If the foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Biblical Socialism! 2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if anyone would not work, neither should he eat! Apostle Paul. Comment: This would solve our National debt problem that threatens our survival as a nation! The only thing that keeps us from the financial collapse is capitalism! However socialism is gaining ground! The left goes after business with more taxes and more regulations! They bite the hand that feeds them! If they have their way then the collapse is imminent! No nation in the history of the earth has survived socialism! It is the anti-Biblical model alive and well in the Democratic party! To vote for a Democrat is ignorant of both the Bible and history! The left wants to stay in power by borrowing money we do not have to keep promises we cannot afford! James and Hamsa Sasse.