God & Satan & Politics!

So what are the characteristics of Satan? By definition he is the one who divides people by false accusations without reason except that he is evil! He accused God in paradise with false claims about his character! Satan tries to assassinate character in God and humans! Remember Job? Today he accuses followers of Christ! Watch our current Supreme Court nominee come under attack for her faith! Your dogma speaks loudly! We make our own gods here in this chamber! We do not want truth dragged in front of us! It would condemn us! They will mock her and make false accusations against her! Satan is the author of divisions! That is why we have a heaven and a hell! That is why we have a Democrat and Republican Party! That is why we have BLM groups and white supremacy groups! This is why we have war! War on God and his Christ! War on life with death and abortion! War on family with divorce! War on work with welfare! War on prosperity with poverty! War on health with disease! War on peace! If there were no Satan all divisions would end! All sickness, disease and death would end! At Jesus second coming and during his millennium reign all divisions will cease for a thousand years! Why? Jesus will bind Satan for a thousand years! Perfect peace will come! However you can have peace today but only in Christ! No peace outside of him! He has already defeated Satan for you! But you must receive the peace he has purchased for you on the Cross! When I surrendered my sin to Christ his love overflowed into my life! No longer alone! Who do you follow today! Do you author divisions in family and our nation? Do you bring unity in Christ to others? Are you following the divider or the unifier? Today you are following one of two spirits! Satan or God! There is an eternal separation between God and Satan! There is only one mediator between you and God! His name is Jesus Christ! Without this mediator only hell awaits you! Hell on earth and hell eternal! You can have heaven on earth but only by submitting to the creator of heaven and earth! Do you believe God and his scriptures or are you going to trust Satan? You can trust a snake but he will bite you anyway! Make a right decision today that will overcome all your wrong decisions and trust Christ with your past, present and future! End up in the right place at the right time today or forfeit all your blessings and surrender to the one who has prepared a hell for you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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