God & Satan Both Have a Plan for You! 1 Thessalonians 1:10

“And to wait for his Son from heaven whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” Commentary: Everyone should have a plan! A plan for your education, retirement, family, life insurance, auto insurance, property insurance, will, savings, health insurance and other important things! If you get sick or when you get sick you get with your doctor and make a plan! God has a plan for you! To save you! Satan has a plan to destroy you! So who will win out? It is your choice! Many make plans but exclude God in their plans! They crowd God out of their lives! This decision opens the door to Satan! Satan will then be able to enforce his plans against you! God’s plan was for his family! The wokeness war is against family! Divorce is against family! Abortion is against family! Gender confusion is against family! Socialism is against family! Marx said we must destroy the family so their God becomes the State! Satan is all about self! It is all about me! Me Me! My! My! God’s plan is all about you! So much so he sacrificed himself for you! Satan is about sacrificing you for himself! Just the opposite! For not redemption but for destruction! So you will end up where he is hell! God wants you to end up where he is in heaven! Some say well I do not believe there is a hell? Look around you! War, crime, corruption in politics business and even religion! Satan means deceiver! He is the master of deception! He called God a liar in the Garden of Eden! His lies are promoted through ideologies such as Darwinism, socialism, wokeness, communism, abortion, gender confusion all waring against the family! Satan wants to lead you away from God! Pride says I can make it on my own! I do not need God! The rebellion against God in heaven was Lucifer saying I do not need you any longer! So Lucifer created hell on earth with the same weapon pride! Eve you can be just like God if you partake of this fruit! God created you for worship to him but Satan has stolen that worship to himself through lies and deceptions! Surrender your pride and in humility say God I cannot make it without your Christ! I have sinned against you and you alone! The word wrath used in this scripture means a state of mind in revenge for wrong doing! God says revenge is mine! That is why we are to forgive each other as God has forgiven us! The judgment to come is to those who have rejected the Savior! If you do not follow Christ then you will follow Satan! To accept Christ is to make peace with God and man! God raised Jesus from the dead so he could raise us from the dead! It is all about us! A sign you have come to Christ is that your life will always be about others! You will sacrifice your life for others! One of our Pastor’s we support in India died of COVID last year! They warned him not to go to those remote villages in India because you might get COVID! He said how shall I not care for them the flock Jesus has given me? Shall I not sacrifice myself for them? Now we support his son who is carrying on the work there in those remote villages in India! To sacrifice to God is to sacrifice for others! This is the work of the Kingdom of God here on earth! Jesus prayed not my will but thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! The will of the Father led him to the Cross for us! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYouChurch.com

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