The Christian Vacuum!

“No human society has been able to maintain both order and freedom both cohesiveness and liberty apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion. Should our republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance this great experiment will then be surely doomed.” John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, (1789-1795) Commentary: The ideology of Marxism, Socialism and the Progressives say all individuals must submit to the State for the good of society! In their ideology the individual has no value except to be sacrificed for the welfare of the State! In Christianity the opposite holds true! God did not sacrifice himself for a group but for you an individual! The Green New Deal says we all must sacrifice now to better and save the planet at some undisclosed date? After you die maybe? In Christianity God did the sacrificing not the subjects of the State! Enjoy today because he has done the sacrificing for you! In the ideology of the progressives we must suffer individual liberties by open borders and defunding the police and law and order! Individual liberties for our children are sacrificed through abortion and gender confusion! Under Biden individuals who are successful outside of the State through Capitalism are targets by the State’s FBI and IRS arms of government! Christian conservatives whether the Baker in Colorado or Donald Trump and his family and closest allies are made targets with invasions of their privacy even with warrantless break in’s in the middle of the night! Putin sacrifices people for the benefit of the State! Gender confusion is an attack on the individual to protect a given group of people? Christ again never saved any group but individuals! Our Constitution protects the individual! That is why the progressives hate it so much! Socialism devalues individuals! Voter suppression is an attack on the individual! Guilt is used to suppress individuals! It is your lifestyle of driving a gasoline vehicle that is destroying the planet! If you do not take the shot you are killing people? You the individual is responsible for all our problems and if we take your gun away all crime will end? It is all your fault and we the State will fix you for the benefit of the group! Our Founding Father’s had great wisdom and understood the uniqueness of America and her Constitutional liberties for the individual and when these safeguards are removed then America will be no more America but another Marxist socialist State! When the light of Christ is removed from any culture darkness fills the vacuum! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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