Creation! Evolution! Plagues!

Leviticus 26:25 “And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant; and when you are gathered together within my cities, I will send the pestilence among you: and you shall be delivered into the hand of your enemy.” Comment: The world has a quarrel with God’s Covenant! The word “quarrel” in the Hebrew means a vengeance or punishment from God! My Bible tells me that God says vengeance is mine! God is love and he also takes vengeance against the Covenant breakers! How do we know this! He has a special place for them called “Hell.” You say well I thought God had mercy? He did for you on the Cross! Reject the Cross and break the Covenant! There is a world wide purge going on right now! What will it take for people to turn to God? Except for one family Noah the world rejected God! Except one family the homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah rejected God! We cannot be in love with this world for it will perish! Now is the time to fall in love with God! If this Corona virus mutates and comes back it will be much more deadly than it is now! If it mutates into many strains then a vaccine will be very difficult to produce! If this epidemic comes back no government on earth has the resources to outlast it! No economic system will last! It will all collapse! Who do you trust right now? Your government? Your money? Do you have a quarrel with God’s Covenant? Jesus said there will come a day when a man will have to work a whole day’s wage to buy a loaf of bread! Famine follows plagues! Do you reject Christ? Jesus said if you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth! Now is the time to be boiling hot for God! Yet I see no National call to repentance from his Church in America? Strange as fiction! Let go of the things that will perish! Let go of self and embrace the Savior! God is cleansing his House! We have ignored God as a nation for too long! The wages of sin is death! As for me and my House we will serve the Lord! Cover yourself and your family in the Blood of Christ! Like in Egypt when the waves of plagues come one after another your judgment will be passed over! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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