Is Caesar our New God?

Government is best when government is least! Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: I read a publication by Dr. Ben Carson that really hit the nail on the head about our current problems American culture is facing today! He said the biggest problem facing America is about half the population has made government their god! This fatal flaw is full of examples in your Bible and our founder’s of our Constitution designed this precious document to try to prevent a take over by any future government! Our Constitution plainly says our rights do not come from government but from God! Unless their is a spiritual revival in America we will soon be taken over by a foreign power! China is number one in education and America has dropped to 25th ranking! We used to be number one until government controlled schools over decades has degenerated our education system! China will continue to challenge us economically and militarily soon! If America is no good as the political left continues to push who will be left to defend her? Brush up on your Chinese for you may need it soon! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Big Tech Censorship?

In an authoritarian political communist/socialist nation only one voice is heard! The voice of the State only! All dissenting voices are crushed! These nations include China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam and the list goes on! Now this Marxist ideology is taking hold in America coming from the political left! The freedom of competing voices is what separated America from the rest of the world and made her the greatest nation on earth! Now we are losing these freedoms! Authoritarian regimes do not want to debate idea’s they just want to silence all competing idea’s! They want complete control over your life! This is what the cancel culture is all about! Keep in mind their is one voice in heaven and one voice in hell! Completely opposite Kingdoms with opposite outcomes for her citizens! One light and the other darkness! You will always hear two voices in your head but you will only follow one of these two voices! The voice of God and his Kingdom or the voice of Satan and his Kingdom! There are no competing voices in heaven and there are no competing voices in hell! There is a great gulf between them and no one can cross over this border! Our eternity and where it is spent is determined by our choices of the voice we will follow while we are here on earth! The war between competing voices is played out everyday here on earth! Why was prayer removed from our public schools? Why are the 10 Commandments removed from the buildings across America! Why are Crosses taken down? Why are nativity scenes banned by some courts across America! Why is church assembly banned in some parts of America! Why is your witness for Christ rejected by some? Why are your first and second amendments challenged everyday? Because they want your voice silenced so that the hell they want can be established here on earth! Heaven or hell on earth is determined by the choices of any culture makes by which voice they will hear and follow! You can have heaven today in the midst of hell by listening to Christ and following his words and the voice he speaks to us through his Holy Scriptures! Heaven or hell is a choice all of us will make or already have made! If you are to chose Christ instead of Satan it can only be made in the time you have breath in this life here on earth! Do not gamble your eternity away for this life is short but eternity is forever! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Why Faith? Hebrews 11:6

I have learned over the years that no one will love you more than God! Your friends can forsake you and your family can forsake you but never God! No one can forgive like him! I live by faith because if I live by your compliments then I can die by your criticism! Christ will never leave you nor forsake you but everybody else will at some time and place forsake you! Life only proves over history that only God and his Christ can give you the only love that will last an eternity! His love never ends! Live by faith! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Trust Fund : Web Site

We are establishing a web site Trust Fund to establish this web site to continue on 25 years after our passing on to continue to reach souls for Jesus Christ here on earth after our going home to the mansion Christ has prepared for us! Appreciate any suggestions in this matter from our supporters! We have contacted our family attorney for the legal aspects of this promotion of Christ here on earth! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse