Ask not what a Democrat can do for your country! Ask a Democrat not to do anything for your country!
Month: December 2019
More Blessed To? Acts 20:35
Somehow not only at Christmas but all the long year through, the joy that you give others is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend blessing the poor, lonely and sad, the more of your heart’s possessing returns to you glad. John Wittier (1807-1892), American Quaker Poet, Abolitionist Writer, Author of Famous Book, Snow-Bound.
Celebrate Christmas While We Can!
“Much of the rhetoric of today’s leftists sounds like that espoused by the French Revolutionaries, with its savage attacks upon Christianity, liberty, property and life itself.” Steve Byas, Professor of History and Government, Randall University, Norman Oklahoma.
Christmas!! Drugs! Abortion!
Luke 1:15 “For he (John the Baptist), shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink (intoxicating liquor), and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost (the breath of God), even from his mother’s womb.” Comment: According to the Christmas account the womb is sacred! The Son of God Jesus Christ was born into the earth through the virgin womb of Mary! John the Baptist was special! His father Zechariah and his mother Elizabeth were in the Priesthood at the Jewish Temple! They were dedicated to the service of the Lord! They were old yet God kept his promise to them to have a son! The Angel instructed Zechariah that his son John was to stay away from drugs! His life was not to be sacrificed on the altar of drug addiction! It is paradox that many who celebrate Christmas drink liquor when God has warned us throughout scriptures to stay away from drugs! The way you can celebrate Christmas is to ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life to keep you from sin! The same Holy Spirit that produced Jesus and filled the life of John the Baptist even in the womb with righteousness! When God commands us not to do something and we go ahead and do it anyway and then ask God to Bless us we should know God is not a fool! However to be conflicted like this leads to sin and separation from God! Then you would be living as if there is no God! The first sign of this life style is that life has no value! Satan tried to stop the birth of Jesus through abortion! King Herod sent his Roman soldiers to Bethlehem to slay all the children two years old and younger! They ran daggers through the bellies of the pregnant women! They aborted these children! The life of any human is sacred from the womb to the grave! We need the same respect God has for life! The foundation for abortion in the 21st Century is Darwinism! The atheistic belief of Evolution produces death! The evil of the first Century is the same evil we face today! However the same hope we found in Christ in the first Century is the same hope we have today! The evil surrounding every Christmas cannot overcome the Light! The evil only confirms to the world they need the Savior! Are you following the Savior or the world? Christ is mercy to a dying world! The Holy Spirit will give you the power to change your life! Jesus blood will pardon your sin! Jesus will empower you to change from evil to righteous! We cannot change ourselves! Only God can do this! Confess your sin and he is faithful and just to forgive you your sin! Then ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life! He will! Submit to the authority of God and cease the rebellion against him! Find a good Bible believing Church where the scriptures are not compromised! Most important read the Bible yourself! Study it! Then when you are presented a lie you will recognize it! Give God all your failures and he will replace them with success! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Failing Public Schools!
Dear President Trump, The tax payer funded public schools have failed America! America is now ranked 16th in Education! Twenty percent of High School graduates cannot read their diplomas! We need competition to move these betrayed children into competitive private schools to prepare them for success! We need to look at school vouchers as an alternative where the parents can choose their own schools for their children! Competition will improve quality like in any other industry! There is no competition for public schools and this promotes low quality in education! Also parents should not be double taxed! That is if they move their children into the private school sector they should not have to pay a county tax to support the failing public education system! We need to pull the plug on public education and these idea’s if implemented would transform education where America would be great again in education and move us back into the number one education system in the world! I would remind you that one third of the Freshman Class at Harvard are Home Schooled children! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Love Seeks You!
Love came down at Christmas; love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas, stars and angels gave the sign. Christina G. Rossetti (1830-1894) English Poet
Bethlehem Times Report!
Luke 1:1-2 Greek Translation: “[For as much] as may be taken in hand to set forth in order as a detailed account the declaration of those things most surely believed with an ample and complete account confirmed with the fullest evidence and fully proved to be fully persuaded these things did occur! Even they brought forth many eye witnesses and ministers under authority of the intelligent spoken words of these events.” Comment: Luke the beloved disciple and a physician would be concerned with details! This was not a Democrat investigation with fake news! It was authenticated with facts and eye-witness accounts! It was not a phony he said she said scheme! There is ample evidence to support the account! Luke was proclaiming these events that took place in history! There is a lot of history that is bad but these events are our hope for mankind! This is a historical record established both by government and citizen reports! This is established not by just one eye witness but through many documented sources! The political leader of Judea King Herod confirmed these reports! When the caravan of wise men from the east arrived at Jerusalem Herod knew something was up! They did not travel by camel all the way from Persia for their health! The Roman soldiers ordered to slay the babies at Bethlehem knew something was up? There were too many eye-witnesses to discount this event! In Jewish Law it took at least two witnesses to verify an account! Here there were a multitude of witnesses! From the Angels in Heaven to the government leaders to the shepherds above the hills of Bethlehem! From the Inn keeper to the owner of the manger! No one could dispute the facts! The evidence was overwhelming! The Prophets of the Old Testament prophesied this event hundreds of years before! The ball got rolling in real time when Caesar decided to tax the world! Surely he was a Democrat! It was not fair that Jesus would end up with all the silver and gold! Caesar wanted gifts under his Christmas Tree! He looked out of his Palace window across his Empire and thought if I could get a buck out of each of the peasants in my Empire I would be rich! Did God put this idea in his head? Caesar meant it for evil but God meant it for good! Without the decree of Caesar Joseph and Mary would have never left Nazareth to go to Bethlehem and the Old Testament Prophets who told us that the Christ would be born in Bethlehem hundreds of years before would have been wrong! The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! Herod tried to stop the birth of Christianity! Trump the leader of the Christian movement is trying to be stopped by another government! Our own government! The battle goes on and has for ages but Christ has won! Writers over thousands of years have spoken about the Christmas story! Hopefully I have contributed a small part in that today! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Dumber than Dumb? Luke 1:20
God gets the job done in spite of us! God has to use difficult people! This is all he has to work with! Zechariah was a Priest in the Jewish Temple. He studied scriptures all his life! He was a Holy man! He feared God! He prayed faithfully and had dedicated his life to the service of God and his people! It was the time of incense at the altar! The people were praying that the sacrifice would please God! He and his wife Elizabeth were old and his wife was barren! No children! They were praying a long time for a child. So God answers their prayer and sends Gabriel the messenger Angel to tell Zechariah the good news! The angel even told him they were to name the child John who became known as John the Baptist! So Zechariah tries to talk God out of this miracle by claiming they were too old to have children! He tried to explain to God it was impossible! Remember a miracle is always something done by God that you cannot do on your own! So God had to strike Zechariah dumb for a season so he would not go around telling people this is impossible! God could not let him talk himself out of a miracle! God cannot do miracles in your life as long as you in unbelief talk yourself out of it! The disciple Thomas had the same problem! He said I will not believe unless I touch his wounds and touch the scar in his side! Actions follow words! King Herod did believe the wise men! However even in belief he chose to oppose God’s plan for the redemption of men and try to kill the baby Jesus! He slew the children in Bethlehem and killed the mother’s that were pregnant with child! Abortion on demand! You can believe God yet oppose him by your words and actions! You can also oppose God by your unbelief! When you believe Christ and his promises to you and act in accordance with his Word righteousness is sown into the earth! The same Herod’s of today oppose Christ! Happy Holiday! We need to create laws that suppress the believers in Christ and oppose his Kingdom on earth! Take the Christian bakers to court! We must by law criminalize Christianity! God is faithful and John the Baptist was born to Zechariah and Elizabeth the forerunner of Jesus! When God promises you things out of the Bible you need to execute those promises in faith believing them! Claim them as your own! God promised a Savior to the world hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem! Even the devil’s believe yet dumb enough to oppose God and his Christ! Whether Bethlehem or Calvary the devil still tries! Satan the deceiver does believe but will convince his disciples not to believe! This is how deceptive he is! Do not be dumber than the devil and follow him into Hell! Satan wants company in Hell but God wants you in Heaven with him! That is why Christ was born into the earth for the redemption of man! You will follow someone but if not Christ then who? If anyone but Christ you default to Hell! You have hope at Christmas if you follow Christ and the place in Heaven he has prepared for you! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Most Requested Bible Verse 2019
Philippians 4:6 Greek Translation: “Be careful for nothing, not even one, no matter what he may be, but in everything by prayer your requests to God for a particular benefit, with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God and the Revelation of his saving purpose.” Comment: The Bible App has had over 400 million users in 2019. So why is Philippians 4:6 the most requested scripture verse in all the Bible? This App has the Bible in 1350 languages! Even so still there are over a billion people in the world who do not have the Bible in their native language! If you had asked me to guess what scripture would be most popular I would have guessed John 3:16. I would have thought it would have been a scripture spoken directly by Jesus! Like go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! A lot of scripture explains who God is! You would call this Theology. However in this scripture it is about you talking to God! Prayer is about talking to God! But we need to know who God is or who we are talking to! It is hard to talk to someone you do not know! You cannot be intimate with them! The critics might say well this shows us how selfish these Christians are! Give me! Me! Me! It is all about me! However God is a giving God! Back to John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave… We also need balance here! Satan told Jesus if he would bow down and worship him he would give him all the Kingdoms of this world! So Satan can give you stuff but not eternal life! He will use the stuff to try to keep you out of the Kingdom of God! We need the whole council of God or we balance the scriptures against each other! We need a stable faith! All the Bible provides this balance! It prevents extremes! Does this verse stand by itself! Yes! But the Bible interprets itself! You need all the scriptures to see the clear picture or Image of God! Jesus prayer was not my will but thy will be done! Satan promised Jesus I will give you the stuff! God’s will was for him to go to the Cross! Some Christians pray “If it is thy will.” No! Thy will be done in my life wherever that takes me! Whether a dungeon in Rome! Paul wrote the Book of Philippians from a jail cell! Paul and Silas sang worship songs together at midnight but it was not in a church choir! They were chained together on a prison floor! Is my prayer to win the lottery? The problem is that if we do not pray and we get something good we will take the credit upon ourselves! If we pray and God gives it to us as we prayed we know it is from God and we can give him the Glory and Worship! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Christmas Thoughts!
Today as I look at the colored lights on our Christmas tree and listen to Silent Night my heart moves back in time to about 65 years ago! It is Christmas morning on the farm in Nebraska! Snow and cold outside! We had an illuminated clock in our bedroom where me and my little brother Tommy slept this Christmas night! I would watch the clock all night long! With every hour that had passed I wondered if Santa Claus has come? About every hour I would peek out our bedroom door down the hall for I could see the Christmas tree! Nothing yet? Mom told me unless I stop beating up my little brother Tommy Santa was not going to bring me any gifts! Had I crossed the line? I have stopped beating up Tommy for a long time in fact it seems like forever! Yesterday Tommy told me he did not like me! I told him I did not like him but Santa Claus might be listening so I am not going to say anything! We went to the small Methodist Church for Christmas Eve in Pilger. At the end of the service we the kids got bags of candy, fruit, peanuts and other goodies! We had to sing in the children’s choir so we had to work for food! Yes me and Tommy were there for the sweets! Then all the good food my grandmother prepared for the Christmas dinners over the years! The excitement of family being together around the same table! No outside distractions like today through mobile devices! Nothing coming from the outside could influence away from family and church! No competing voices challenging our Faith! Any divisions towards Christ were not there! We believed everyone must love Jesus! We prayed in our public school! We recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before classes began! A United States Flag was in every classroom and a map of the United States was in every classroom! We had a Christmas play every year and sang patriotic songs in our music class everyday! God Bless America was on our lips everyday! We heard no dissenting voices of division and hate! Our Pastor’s were esteemed and supported! We viewed their authority over the state but yet supported the state! Family, school, church were the Trinity of our unity! These three were in agreement with each other and bonded us together as one people! We were protected with a father in every home! Even though poor we were secure! Neighbors helped each other! We never considered ourselves in our community as enemies of each other! Why? Unity yes but forgiveness ruled the day! Christianity held the culture together because forgiveness reigned at this time in our history! As a culture drifts away from Christ vengeance replaces forgiveness! Then everyone views themselves as enemies of each other and vengeance is executed with shootings and other violence! This problem is not about guns it is about the forgiveness of God that is not woven into our culture where as Christians we forgive each other because God has forgiven us! Christmas is about forgiveness as Christ came to die for our sin! Then we can live for him in the Spirit of forgiveness towards each other!! Be sensitive to those as you are out shopping sensitive to those suffering from unforgiveness! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.