Where is the Center? Right or Left?

For many years the earth was believed to be the center of our universe! Later it was discovered the sun is the center and we the earth rotate around the sun! Many people believe life revolves around themselves but sooner or later they figure out that is not true! In politics you hear far right or far left policies? We need to move towards the center? However no one ever defines the center? If it could be defined then we should be able to live there with the most benefit to the most people and not at the expense of other people! However it took me sometime to figure out where the center is! It is a document in writing! It is our United States Constitution! So if the ideal for the most benefit to our citizens is this document why is so hated by those on the political left? They scream no one is above the law except themselves! The law is for those common folks but for us only if it benefits us to remain in power! It would help us if we knew and understood our Constitution! Our Supreme Court renders all decision based on our Constitution! God is the center of our universe because he created it! His document is our Bible! God should be the center of our universe but is not always! Jesus is the center of our redemption not the law! The law shows us we cannot keep it and need the Savior! He was perfect without sin yet sin became the center of his universe marching to the Cross on our behalf! When you join the military you make our nation the center of your universe! It requires sacrifice but the price is not too much because you love your country! The highest form of love is sacrifice! Sacrifice because God sacrificed his Son for you even to the shedding of blood! More love requires more sacrifice! Satan desires to sacrifice you for his benefit yet God sacrificed himself for your benefit! The question on leadership is those in authority over you are they sacrificing themselves for you or are they sacrificing you for the benefit of themselves? The center of life is to be God like! We cannot do this on our own but follow Jesus who has done this for us! God set the standard because he is the standard! God became flesh that we might see and follow his standard of righteousness! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu

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