Religion Hates Jesus! Matthew 21:15

“And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that Jesus did, and the children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were sore displeased.” Commentary: So what does the Greek word say for “they were sore displeased”? The word Strong’s #23 means they were greatly afflicted! Why? Their religion was just a side show with no power! No miracles! No power over Satan! So instead of commending Jesus for the wonderful miracles he was doing they began to plot his death! Religion really hates God! Even in churches sometimes religion will raise its ugly head! Spiritual growth will always involve politics and religion! After being a Christian over past 48 years I have accumulated some interesting stories! Some of my best but not all is while we were serving in India as missionaries from 1983-1987. In our second year in India we moved to a village on a mountain named Yercaud in South India. There was a strong presence of Catholics there because of their schools! Our little daughters attended Sacred Heart secondary school while we were living there! Good schools! While doing ministry there and the surrounding villages catholics including nuns and priests would come to us late at night for prayer! I asked them why do you come to us late at night like Nicodemus did? They told us that if the organizational leaders find out they will severly punish us! They will evict us from our houses on Catholic lands and deny us burial in a Catholic owned burial grounds! Organized religion is sometimes ugly! Yet it is necessary to the purposes of God even sometimes when it opposes God! I never viewed them as enemies but as friends in ministry even though they were trusting organization more than God! Housing was difficult to find in Yercaud so the Catholics had a parsonage come available. Most housing there was full of rats, snakes and scorpions! So ten priests interviewed me for the vacancy. Their last question was are you a member of the 10th Order of the Jesuits? I said no! Sorry we cannot help you! In the American church we have had troubles when a Pastor is trying to get along with popular culture such as homosexualism and we confront him with scriptures on the subject! We end up on the bad boy list and political isolation begins! Truth will always divide and separates from lies and deceptions! When you do what Jesus did you will find opposition from within and from without! It comes along with the mission! We try to get along but sometimes separation will come! The last example is a young Catholic priest came to us by night and expressed a need to separate from the Catholic church! He asked for prayer and we advised him to not do this unless God confirms to you to do this! Sometimes we told him we must risk all to follow Jesus! A month later he left the Catholic church and years later became a great evangelist across the State of Tamil Nadu! To do the will of God will cost you something and maybe everything except your relationship to Christ! That relationship is more precious that silver and more costly than gold! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Politics & Religion!

I was working a summer job as a young man for a construction company paying my way through Bible College! The older guys once they found out I was going to be a preacher started on me with all their dirty jokes and all the preacher jokes! I just carried on doing a good job for the company! Then one day one of the older guy’s pulled me aside and said let me give you a good piece of advice! If you want to be a preacher and be loved by the world with no troubles then never talk about politics or religion! Then you will have a peaceful life here on earth! Adrian Rogers

Revolution! Politics! Religion!

“Soon after I published the pamphlet COMMON SENSE, in America, I saw the exceedingly probability that a revolution in the system of government would be followed by a revolution in the system of religion! The adulterous connection of the church and state, wherever it had taken place, whether Jewish, Christian, Turkish (Islam) had so effectively prohibited, by pains and penalties, every discussion upon established creeds, and upon the first principles of religion, that until the system of government should be changed, those subjects could not be fairly and openly before the world; but that whenever this should be done, a revolution in the system would follow.” Thomas Paine , Age of Reason, Page 51, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: Thomas Paine was an American hero! He also was a Deist and rejected Christ in some of his writings! However he did say some good things but here at least in some part he got it backwards! We have the advantage of history to look back where he did not! The spiritual revolution is what came first not a political revolution to America! The spiritual revolution began in England and the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1602. Long before 1776! The church and state were wedded together in England causing persecution of Christians! So they fled to America! The church in England was a State controlled church! So how has the church in America become a State controlled church? Through the Democrat installed Lyndon Johnson Senator from Texas then about 60 years ago 501c Tax exemption for religious organizations which shut them up on any political debates! The pastor’s across America got their voices muted! Freedom of Speech removed for money! So what happened in 21st Century America? Because the church was complicit with the State we have a repeat of 15th Century Europe here in America but this time it is a political revolution! Not a spiritual one! Donald Trump entered in stage right in 2016! The vacuum left by the church was filled by the political revolution! Trump did not create the revolution the church created the political revolution! If the church does not change then the revolution will continue! This revolution is a response to our voices being blocked by social media companies! Corruption in government! Open borders! Americans last and foreigners first! Biblical orthodoxy mocked! The church silent on Biblical values promoted in government! The list goes on! Sadly the peoples house has to have a wall now to protect the political leaders from the people while our walls on the southern border are being torn down and our protections removed! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Anti-law enforcement! The list again goes on! If you do not understand what is going on in America it is because we are in the midst of a Revolution! From the bottom up and from the top down! Once a revolution begins we never know where it will end up? Did you ever try to purchase a gun lately or ammunition for your weapon? Not available! Sold out and orders backlogged for months! Pray for America as the assault on her comes from all sides! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

When Your Faith Becomes a Religion!

The zealous Darwinist himself is testimony to the power Darwinism can have in a person’s life! It is the beloved creation story of the new atheist! And when Christians embrace Darwinism, Darwin typically becomes a rival to Christ: Doubt about his no-design mechanism becomes bad faith, if not heresy. Such a powerful idea as demonstrated by its adherents-must certainly have had an effect on the Nazis. Source: Uncommon Descent, Serving The Intelligent Design Community, December 6, 2020 Comment: So how do 60 million Christians become Nazis in Germany? When the church becomes a pawn in the hands of wicked political men! The Pastors that opposed Hitler were executed! How do 39 percent of Protestants and 45 percent of Catholics vote Democrat here in America! Like in Nazi Germany when your new god is Charles Darwin! When the Pastors across America are muted about this danger by crooked political favors of money through the 501c Tax Exemption! The American Christians are like the frog in the pan of cool water and then the heat is gradually turned on until he is cooked! America cannot be exempt from Darwin when every nation that tried him failed! Replace Christ with any ideology and death comes to any nation! The plague is not our greatest threat to our Democracy it is where the gods of this world replace Christ! Religion becomes a god when any god replaces Christ in any culture! James & Hamsa Sasse,

Religion & Politics!

There are estimated to be 5.8 million Jews living in America. That is about 2.2 percent of the population. It is also estimated they own about 70 percent of the wealth of America! God promised them they would be the head and not the tail! If you are the head you are loaning people money with interest! If you are the tail you are the borrower! Good news here in America is you can get a loan where most countries you cannot get loans! This is one of blessings of living in America where the Jews own most of the wealth! When you use your Visa Card in is owned by the Jews! Here is my point! Fifty percent of the Jews vote Democrat and the other fifty percent living here in America vote Republican! Why? The Jews that are Orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheistic Jews or Darwinists vote Democrat! So what or what you do not believe about God determines your ideology and your politics! Your ideology was not formed in a vacuum! My Bible says as a man thinketh so is he! If God does not form your thinking then Satan will! Read the mind of God! Read your Bible! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Religion for Dummies!

Question: Self proclaimed smart people tell me all sinners are in hell. Is this true? Answer: There are sinners in heaven and there are sinners in hell. The sinners in heaven are forgiven sinners and the sinners in hell are unforgiven sinners! Sinners in hell got there on their own but sinners in heaven trusted Jesus Christ who took their judgment for their sin on the Cross!

Copy Cat Religion!

Matthew 9:35 “For Jesus went about the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Comment: Notice Jesus did not social distance with those that had the plague! He was not afraid of sickness and death because he conquered them! The Great physician! He did not run away from trouble he ran to it! Like our leader we are commanded to preach the Gospel and heal the sick in His name! Who we follow is very important! Mohammad had nine wives! He married a nine year old girl! He murdered and plundered others to get wealth! He kidnapped women and sold them as sex slaves! One of his wives poisoned him! Being an arab he was a caucasian or white guy who owned black slaves! He forced people to worship him through threat of death! Convert or die! He was evil! Islam has hidden under the mask of religion for centuries while carrying out wholesale murder! When you read the Quran and other Muslim sources you see his real character! Violence was his calling card! Jesus went around doing good! What a contrast! Jesus was more than a good man! He was God! God in the flesh! Sinless but became the perfect sacrifice for our sin! He healed our sin! If you follow God or copycat God rather than the Godless you will have a good outcome! We are to sacrifice for others as Jesus sacrificed for us! I want to choose to follow the best here on earth and in heaven! When we leave earth and step off into eternity you will meet Jesus face to face! He then as right now in time will be either your Savior or your judge! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Religion!

Socialism is a religion people get when they lose their religion! Richard Neuhaus (1936-2009) Prominent Pastor and Author. Comment: When the government becomes your God failure is imminent! When we put our hope in mortal men mortality goes on display in the failed ideologies of men! Socialism has a track record of misery and death! If you cede your personal responsibilities to the government it cannot makeup for your defaulted neglect to a ward of the State! Thomas Jefferson said socialism is sinful and tyrannical! We do not have to look very far to Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuella or North Korea to see the disasters! When God is removed from a culture hopelessness rises! Dependency on the State ensues! Christianity brings personal responsibility for individual lives and the nation profits above what any government could ever do! One nation under God with liberty and justice for all! Our Founding Father’s knew the key to American prosperity! James & Hamsa Sasse.