Jesus Heals a Plague!

Mark 5:29 “And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.” Commentary: This woman had suffered twelve years from this plague! So how long does a plague last? Until Jesus shows up! The famous bubonic or black death plague lasted 300 years! Like the Coronavirus it came out of China! This plague resurfaced roughly every ten years from 1348-1665—forty outbreaks in just over 300 years! And with each new epidemic 20% of the men, women and children living in the British capital died! Besides the ten plagues of Egypt two different plagues affect the blood in opposite ways! This plague which claimed an estimated loss of life between 75-200 million people caused the blood to hemorrhage as for this woman Jesus healed! The other type of plague such as the SARS-CoV-2 and the Coronavirus cause the blood to clot in vital organs to cause death! My Bible says that the life is in the blood! That is why Jesus gave his blood for us as a sacrifice for our sin! Also to heal our bodies and to raise the dead! I see the problem in the 21st Century church is that most have left Jesus in the 1st Century as a historical figure! They put Jesus in a museum! Does not your Bible say Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever? The church is not to be a social club where we meet once a week and tell each other how great we are! It is a hospital for the sick and wounded! For the poor and depressed! A place where people that have no hope can find hope! Where the sick are prayed over in the name of Jesus! How come no Coronavirus sick called to the church to pray for? Do we believe what Jesus professed? Bring by faith Jesus into the 21st Century and into the midst of the plague! In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus listed the signs of his second coming! One of those signs was plagues! Heal the plagues in the name of Jesus! If the woman with the plague had practiced social distancing and not touched the hem of Jesus robe she never would have been healed but her faith was greater than her disease! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Prayer Request!

Please be in prayer for our neighbor Lenny here in Atlanta! He has been diagnosed with 3rd stage kidney cancer! He had to resign his job and asked me for advice about renting or selling his house so they could move back to Florida and stay with family there. I shared with him how Jesus healed me from my death bed back in the early 1970’s and that God loves him as much as me or anyone else! We prayed together in our front yard this morning and I asked Lenny to give Jesus a chance before he would try to rent or sell his house! These small children need a father so keep Lenny in your prayers! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse.