You Will Either Worship Creator or Creation! Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Commentary: It goes on in Genesis to show us God created everything including you! He made them male and female! The cultural gender war is a war on God and his creation! This culture war is also turning against those who have a Biblical foundation of creation! Rebellion against God started in heaven when Lucifer who became Satan was cast out of heaven unto earth with one third of the angels who followed him! So the first thing Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden is that God is a liar! God did not surely say you will die if you take of this fruit from this tree! The Tree of Life was in the center of the Garden but they chose another tree that brought death to mankind! Then later The Tree of Life Jesus was tempted by Satan! Turn these stones into bread if you are the Son of God! Jesus responded man shall not live by bread alone but every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God! God spoke our world into existence! Jesus calmed the waves on the Sea of Galilee! Peace be still! Worshiping self instead of God is the same thing Satan does! When you do this you become a follower of Satan! Through man made religions! Through Evolution Darwin’s pseudo-science lessons! Worship of science even a false science in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! An unproven theory! Are things getting better according to Darwin? During the plague of 1918 675000 thousand Americans died from the plague! Today about 100 years later 900000 thousand Americans have died from COVID! So did the science get better? What we know from the 1918 plague for those who got the plague their life expectancy was reduced by 12 years! Time will tell and the jury still out on COVID complications reducing life spans! We do know things are not getting better and this was Jesus prediction of the end times! Heaven or hell is waiting on you determined whether you worship the creator or creation! I will never bank on a theory unproven by time and history shows followers of Darwin such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Emperor Hirohito created a hell on earth rejecting the creator of heaven and earth! When the Biblical model of the origin of life is rejected by any culture bad things happen! The Green New Deal is about worshiping planet earth! Save the planet our Darwinist politicians proclaim! Rather than using the energy oil and gas God has gifted us with for America making our lives better and more competitive in the world with cheap energy! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Marxism & Evolution! Survival of the Fittest!

Labor is the source of all wealth, the political economists assert, and it really is the source-next to nature, which supplies it with material that is converted into wealth. But it is infinitely more than this. It is the basic condition of all human existence, and this is such an extent that, in a sense, we have to say that [labor created man himself]. Source: Frederick Engels, The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man. 1876 Commentary: The Marxists got it ass backwards! God created man and gave him labor to be productive! For purpose! God worked himself in the creation of this world in six days! Then rested on the seventh day from his labor! Sunday is about resting from our labor just as God rested! The Darwinists or evolutionists in history oppose God and his creation manufacturing an ideology that has proven the most destructive ideology known to man! This same ideology is carried on today in America by the political left pushing Marxism and all anti-God ideologies! Look for the sources of all ideologies! We have our Bible and the scriptures proven since the beginning of time! Marx and Engels and Darwin have themselves only as the basis for their theories! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Atheism & Evolution

Atheism is so senseless! When I look at the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amount of heat and light this could never happen by chance! Issac Newton (1643-1727). Physicist

Creation or Evolution? Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” Thus the task is not so much to see what no one else has seen, but to think what nobody yet has thought about that which everybody else sees! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Commentary: Science verifies scripture! Science says all the planets and all stars in our galaxy are all the same age! This verifies Genesis 1:1. All the heavens and the earth were created at the same time! This refutes the Theory of Evolution! Your Biblical scriptures are not theories but historical facts! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Evolution & WWII

The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all. Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf

Evolution Behind Socialism & Racism!

“More to the point, one cannot understand The Holocaust without understanding the intensions, ideology, and mechanisms that were put in place in 1933. The eugenics movement may have may have come to a catastrophic crescendo with the Hitler regime, but the political movement, the world-view, the ideology, and the science that aspired to breed humans like prized horses began almost a hundred years earlier (Darwin). More poignantly, the ideology and those legal and governmental mechanism of a eugenic world-view inevitably lead back to the British and American counterparts that Hitler’s scientist collaborated with. Posterity must gain understanding of the players that made eugenics a respectable scientific and political movement, as Hitler’s regime was able to evade wholesale condemnation in those critical years between 1933 and 1943 precisely because eugenics had gained international acceptance. As this book will evidence, Hitler’s infamous 1933 laws mimicked those already in place in the United States, Britain, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Canada. So what is the scientific and political movement that for 100 years aspired to breed humans like dogs or horses? Eugenics is quite literally, as defined by its principal proponents, an attempt at “directing evolution” by controlling any aspect of human existence that affects human heredity. From its onset, Francis Galton, the cousin of Charles Darwin and the man credited with the creation of the science of eugenics, knew that the cause of eugenics had to be observed with religious fervor and dedication. As the quote on the opening page of this book illustrates, a eugenicist must “intrude, intrude, intrude” (Abortion & Genocide). A vigilant control over anything and everything that affects the gene pool is essential to eugenics. The policies could not allow for the individual to enjoy self-government any more than a horse breeder can allow the animals to whom to breed with. One simply cannot breed humans like horses without imbuing the state with the level of control a farmer has over his livestock, not only controlling procreation, but also the diet, access to medical services, and housing. Joseph Mengele, Angel of Death, S.S. Officer & Medical Doctor at Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Comment: Do you still want the Democrats to control your healthcare and every aspect of your life? Do you see now why abortion is promoted by the Democrats? Hitler’s 25 point plan in the 1930’s was taken from the Democrats existing plan from America! What Hitler did was remove the word “negro” from the plan and inserted the word “Jew”. The ideology of the Democratic party is based on the pseudo science of Darwin and their politics is credited to the atheistic view there is no God that exists to hold them accountable! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation versus Evolution!

The evolutionists claim the present is key to the past. However any catastrophic event such as a world wide flood or the 1980 Mount Saint Helen’s earthquake and volcanic eruptions shows us just the opposite of their theory! In just two days hundreds of feet of sediment rock layers were created in just days! Mud flows hundreds of feet deep cut out new canyons and filled valley’s in with hundreds of feet of sediment! The walls of these sediment layers looks like the Grand Canyon! The catastrophic events listed in your Bible of the past, present and future is key to the present! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation! Evolution! Plagues!

Leviticus 26:25 “And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant; and when you are gathered together within my cities, I will send the pestilence among you: and you shall be delivered into the hand of your enemy.” Comment: The world has a quarrel with God’s Covenant! The word “quarrel” in the Hebrew means a vengeance or punishment from God! My Bible tells me that God says vengeance is mine! God is love and he also takes vengeance against the Covenant breakers! How do we know this! He has a special place for them called “Hell.” You say well I thought God had mercy? He did for you on the Cross! Reject the Cross and break the Covenant! There is a world wide purge going on right now! What will it take for people to turn to God? Except for one family Noah the world rejected God! Except one family the homosexuals of Sodom and Gomorrah rejected God! We cannot be in love with this world for it will perish! Now is the time to fall in love with God! If this Corona virus mutates and comes back it will be much more deadly than it is now! If it mutates into many strains then a vaccine will be very difficult to produce! If this epidemic comes back no government on earth has the resources to outlast it! No economic system will last! It will all collapse! Who do you trust right now? Your government? Your money? Do you have a quarrel with God’s Covenant? Jesus said there will come a day when a man will have to work a whole day’s wage to buy a loaf of bread! Famine follows plagues! Do you reject Christ? Jesus said if you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth! Now is the time to be boiling hot for God! Yet I see no National call to repentance from his Church in America? Strange as fiction! Let go of the things that will perish! Let go of self and embrace the Savior! God is cleansing his House! We have ignored God as a nation for too long! The wages of sin is death! As for me and my House we will serve the Lord! Cover yourself and your family in the Blood of Christ! Like in Egypt when the waves of plagues come one after another your judgment will be passed over! James and Hamsa Sasse.

DNA Debunkes Evolution!

In September 2012, 30 scientific papers were published simultaneously by the United States Government funded by the ENCOR project. These reviews of the papers provide ample proof that “Junk DNA” is at least 80% functional and active! The Darwinian’s went ballistic! The science of genetics is refuting the “ape to human evolution” and Darwin is doing cartwheels in his grave! “Ape to human evolution” theory is on its way out towards extinction—for it is not fit enough to stand truth. Source:  Comment: God does not make any junk! To support their theory the Evolutionists threw out 98 percent of the DNA of human and monkey species to try to support their theory! They cherry picked only 2 percent to try to prove their theory! What a hoax! You cannot make conclusions on 2 percent of anything! Genesis 1:1 still stands as the truth and true science will always support Creation and our Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.