As the western wall of our world economy continues to crumble and our political leaders seem unable to stop it we need to tweeter our prayers to Heaven through Christ! As a Christian I do not want to stop God’s prophetic plan as outlined in the Book of Revelation! My Bible says the world will wail when they all see Christ returning to earth! Why? Because they trusted in their own works and not in Christ’s work done for us! Christ lives in me now and I rejoice everyday in Him! When the world economies crash and all political systems fail where will be your trust? Do not be betrayed by the world systems! Where is your trust today? In your money, health, retirement, 401K’s, social security, medicare, democrats, republicans, president,congress, senate or wall street? Trust the eternal one who conquered death, hell and the grave for you! Heaven will never go broke! But we the broken ones need to come to Him! Christ deposited his life into yours on a cross over 2000 years ago! Make a deposit of your mind, soul and body into His Life! Thankyou. James Sasse.