The Rich Hate Him! The Poor Love Him!

Has anything changed in 2000 years? Here is a comment in Pontius Pilate’s letter to Tiberius Caesar’s describing the Crucifixion of Jesus that happened under his provincial authority: “The rich Jews hated Him and curse him behind his back and call him an Egyptian necromancer! The poor people love him and claim him as their King and deliverer from Roman authority!” Comment: In America today it is the rich atheistic Jews in Hollywood, Media, commerce and Political positions who are trying to stomp Jesus name out of American culture! However not the orthodox Jews as they support conservative values! The same spiritual battle carries on in 21st Century America as it did in 1st Century Palestine! The poor love him and the rich hate him? Why? The rich trust in their wealth and the poor trust in their Savior! I saw the same thing in India the 3 years we lived there! However there are some rich people who do not love money but Christ as Joseph of Armithea did! We find some Pastor’s who compromise the Gospel for money and book sales! Do we need another Book beside the Bible? I think not! If the millions of dollars spent on books about Jesus would be spent on missions I think the world would be better evangelized and faster! However I would rather see this money spent on books about Jesus that spent on stuff we do not need! The important point here to know your Bible otherwise a book about Jesus could deceive you unless you know the Bible! If you spend all your time reading  books about the Bible and not the Bible you are ripe for deception! The discernment you need only comes from the Word of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.