Satan is a Trinity! Revelation 16: 13-14

Here we see unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The dragon being Satan and the beast the anti-Christ and the false prophet who will be the religious ruler of the world. They are all spirits of devils. They work miracles with the intent of recruiting followers for the last battle here on earth! This last battle will be the armies of good and evil meeting in Israel. This place is called Armageddon! The word Armageddon is a very interesting word used in the Book of Revelation. It is made up of three Hebrew words. The first word means a hill or mountain. The second word Megiddo is a place in Israel. The third word means the gathering of troops pressing together in battle. Megiddo, modern day Tel Megiddo is an important town overlooking the Plain of Esdraelon (Valley of Jezreel). It lies about 18 miles southeast of Haifa in Northern Israel. The last military action there in 1918 drove the Muslims out and ended the Ottoman Empire. British General Edmond Allenby drove out the Turks 7th and 8th Armies and helped to end World War I. Just a note of history the reason the British defeated the Germans in World War I was because a Jewish chemist developed a method to rapidly produce gun powder. This gave England the advantage! The Jews were rewarded by England as they helped them establish Israel as a nation in 1948. There will be another battle at Armageddon but this will be the mother of all wars! Have you noticed lately all the nations turning against Israel the mother of Christ! This is an important sign in Bible prophecy! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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