Politics in Heaven! Revelation 12:7

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.” Comment: Fallen angels! If we look at the word “War” in the Book of Revelation we find something very interesting in the translation from the Greek to the English! Two of the Greek root words Strong’s #4170 and Strong’s #4171 mean a battle or a war. However both of these words are related to another Greek word Strong’s #4174. The Greek word is “Politeia.” This word means a town, community or citizenship. Do you see our English word politics in this word? So like every war whether in heaven or earth starts as a political war! Lucifer had to use words to get disciples to rebel against God! In fact one third of the angels followed Lucifer! The political war is a war of words! God created the universe with words so Satan opposes God with words! What did he tell Eve using words? Surely God has not said you will surely die if you eat of this tree? Eve God is a liar! He is holding good things back from you! He is selfish! I will give you more than God can! Jesus turn these stones into bread! I will give you all the kingdoms of this world if you will bow down and worship me! Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of God! The ideologies today on planet earth that oppose God are in a political format! Words that slander God and his people! Happy Holidays! Sorry mam but this is Thanksgiving! No this is Christmas! Can you not say Christ? Political correctness is a war on truth using or rather denying the use of words to try to defeat truth! Then eventually the words break out into armed conflict whether World Wars or our own Civil War where blood is shed for truth! Jesus had to shed his blood for truth! Now some in the church say politics does not matter? We have our 501c tax exemption so we cannot say anything! Remember in an earlier post Psalm 11:3 was covered taking the word “Foundation” and looking at the Hebrew word which means a moral and political foundation? If the foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? The battle today in America is a political war between the Democrat and Republican Party! It is a war using words! This war was started in Heaven and continues into the earth! Words to slander the righteous and mock our Christ! To use the same lies to oppose God! To promote abortion! Evil! Murder! To promote sexual perversion in promoting homosexuality! Lesbianism! Transgenderism! To expose our children to gender reversal! To mock creation with evolution! To mock marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman! Jesus used the Word of God to get victory over Satan and we must do the same! Regardless of what the popular culture says I will stay with my Bible the Word of God! God warned us about destruction of drug use! Marking our bodies with ink which poisons our body with chemicals! Not to eat pork which blocks and restricts our blood flow! The list goes on! I bank my eternity on the Word of God! This life is short but eternity is forever! I will not risk my eternity in believing the lies of Satan! I will not join Satan in Hell but separate myself from him with Christ in Heaven! I will begin by separating myself from Satan while living on earth and no part in his Kingdom on earth by serving Christ! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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