Love! Hate! John 7:7

“The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” Commentary: Jesus words here are quite telling! If you love truth the world will hate you! If you love evil the world will love you! They will affirm you! Promote you! When you promote truth Christ to the world some will love him and follow him but others will hate you and reject you! Some will persecute even unto death because they hate the truth! If you are a follower of Christ for any length of time you will have many examples! At the same time Christ will deliver you out of all your troubles inflicted by the world! Stand up against abortion, homosexualism, gay marriage, transgenderism and see what happens! A Congress woman from Georgia Marjorie Green introduced a bill to stop the sexual mutilation of children committed against them promoted by the transgender ideology! A war on gender a war on God and his creation of gender male and female! So sophisticated equipment was used so there is no call tracing calling law enforcement in the middle of the night claiming there was a dead man in her bathtub who had been shot dead! The police stormed her house in the middle of the night guns drawn pounding on her front door! She did not know if it were really the police or not? The criminals who did this were in hopes there would be a gun battle and she would be killed! They have done this twice now! Take a stand for truth and see what happens to you? Just ask Trump about this! Those that were close to him! If you are a follower of Trump the message is this will happen to you! You can just attend church once a week and try to ignore it all but they will eventually get to you with any identification to Christ sooner or later! We cannot hide and should not hide! Are we ashamed of Christ? Google will not allow me to advertise our web site on their platforms! They give us no reason and do not reply to our requests! I thought it was just me but even our web master tried to do it for us and he got the same results? They will receive millions of dollars promoting evil but promote the truth? Forget it! Jesus said be not troubled when you are persecuted for me! Count it all joy when you suffer for my names sake! Jesus in this chapter was told by his brother’s to show himself to the world! Jesus said my time has not come yet! The Cross! Our time has come to show Jesus to the world! Jesus loves you yet the world hates you for that! Which is it? Would you rather be loved by Jesus and hated by the world or loved by the world and persecute Jesus and his followers? We all have to make a choice and I think you know the choice I have made! How about you? James & Hamsa Sasse.

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