Jew Haters!

Israel is a small country only a few miles long and wide! Total population is only 8 million people! So why does the world focus their hatred on such a small group of people? I could understand if it were Nazi Germany or Imperialist Japan during WWII conquering nations and enslaving people. Israel shows no aggression toward anyone but wants to live in peace! My Bible says salvation to all men has come through the Jew! Jesus was a Jew along with his disciples and our Bible is really a Jewish Book! So how could the church hate the Jews? Worse yet how could a Jew hate the Jews? Yet they conspired with the Romans to crucify him! The spiritual condition of man predicts their attitudes towards the Jews! Particularly Jesus Christ! The fallen nature of man wars against God their creator and the Jews! Even the Anti-Christ the one world leader in the 7 year tribulation period future in history will be a Jew! He will not serve the God of his Father’s! He will have no natural affection for women promoting abortion and homosexuality! He will even deceive the Jews in Israel and set up his world headquarters in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and then turn on them and declare he is God! Sadly the Biden administration with the policies of appeasing Iran and China has unleashed billions of dollars to them funding their proxy wars against Israel and the West! Blinken and Garland are unleashing terrorism against Jews abroad and at home here in America! So which Jew are you following? Jesus or the Anti-Christ? If you love Jesus you love the Jews! If you hate Jesus you hated the Jews even if you are a Jew! Jesus said you must be born again! Your old nature replaced with the Spirit of God! For God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him will have everlasting life! There is only one Jew the God/Man Christ who can deliver you from the death nature that lives in every man! Jesus at his second coming will go to Jerusalem and defeat the Anti-Christ and his followers at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to reign over the earth for a thousand years! He will raise the dead some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment! Where will you be at this time? Which camp will you be in? The camp you are in now today! Saved or lost depending on what you will do with Christ! Accept him of reject him! Choose heaven today or default to hell! The choice is yours to make! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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