Ask Not What a Democrat Can Do for You?

Ask a Democrat not to do anything for your country! What have Biden and the Democrats screwed up? The border with 8 plus million illegals flooding into our communities putting every American citizen at risk! An economy with high inflation and interest rates lowering the living standard for most Americans! Two wars one in Europe and the Middle East killing and injuring American troops! Encouraging our enemies and frustrating our Allies! Political people in charge of our nation that hate America! What else can they screw up? Sex! I never thought in my wildest dreams they could screw up sex but they have! Promoting homosexuals, transgenders and even paying with our tax dollars to mutilate the God given sex of our children! Hating Jews at home and abroad with violence and death! Trump should be an easy choice for 2024 unless you want more of the same? You can charge a ham sandwich with a crime but that does not make the sandwich guilty! We cannot have spiritual freedom unless we have a political system that allows for that expression! This is what 1776 was all about! Establishing a political system that would allow the free expression of our faith! Trump is hated on the left and some on the right because he promotes our Constitutional freedom with the Bill of Rights opposing the cultural cancel culture of the left! Trump will return power to the people and not the denial of rights promoted by the left! Putin is running for election in Russia! All his political rivals were disqualified and he is the only one running for election! Cancel Trump? Is this what we want for America? The deep State denying the voice of the people? If our foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? God Bless America! Amen! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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