Is Allah in our Bible? Revelation 13:16-18

Absolutely! It is the word “Beast” used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Strong’s number for the Greek word is 2342. If you go to that Greek word it says it has a Hebrew origin. The Strong’s Hebrew number is 5927 and 5928. You can look this up yourself in any Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The Chaldean root word means holocaust! The Hebrew root word means to cause to burn, carry up(smoke), to grow, to make to pay, to shoot forth, to stir up, and to take away. So if you do your homework and study your Bible the word “Beast” in the Book of Revelation is not a mystery! So Allah and the Beast are the same words so Islam is the Beast prophetically revealed in our Bible! You may think holocaust and Islam? How about 9-11? How about the Jordanian pilot burned in a cage? How about Hitler and the millions of Jews incinerated in ovens! Islam was allied with Hitler! Obama is helping Iran get the hydrogen bomb with delivery systems! They want to incinerate the world! How about the Christians being burned in Syria? Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Islam and Mohammed came along! With 1400 years of Islamic war and history I get it! If you believe your Bible is prophetic then the words that make up those verses and chapters are also prophetic! The scripture always have application whether yesterday, today or forever! God is and has spared His elect from judgment through Jesus sacrificial work on the Cross! How is God going to destroy the world? Fire! Muslim’s believe they are judging the world for God but only God has reserved that for Himself because He is the perfect Judge that knows every heart! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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